
From Uploaded
May 28, 2024: Chuck Pierce Claims God Told Him Which States Are in Covenant with God During Heaven Visit From the NAR dominionist dreams, God tells Chuck what states are good and bad... 1 1 Comment Count
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May 25, 2024: Jeremiah Johnson and the False god of Charismania That He Can Control Spiritual throw-down! The real Prophet Jeremiah versus the fake Johnson... 1 1 Comment Count
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May 21, 2024: Satan Continues to Try and Salvage IHOPKC as Prophetic History Revealed to be Faked As IHOPKC leadership schemes to save the institution through fake rebranding, a reminder of the false prophecies that it was founded and built upon. 1 1 Comment Count
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May 20, 2024: Greg Locke's Adulteress Wife Arranges for them Both to Be Installed as "Apostles" From the absurd Charismatic files, Greg Locke has now been anointed an apostle, yes that Greg Locke... 1 1 Comment Count
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May 16, 2024: False Prophetess Amanda Grace Teaches the NAR Word of the Month - Apophenia Examining the absurdity that is passed off as prophecy today... 1 1 Comment Count
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May 14, 2024: Dr. Brown and Steven Strang - Swallowing Camels to Strain Out The Gnat That is Benny Hinn Dr. Brown recently went on Strang's podcast to defend Benny Hinn... 1 1 Comment Count
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May 11, 2024: Dominionist Manipulates Migration Stats To Push NAR Political Narrative Another run round of how to manipulate statistics brought to you by the NAR! 1 1 Comment Count
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May 8, 2024: Benny Hinn Glosses Over Ruining Lives for Forty Years - Hey Who Is Perfect? Enough of the crocodile tears from Hinn and his enablers at Charisma News... 1 1 Comment Count
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May 7, 2024: Debunking NAR Dominionism Using Lies to Rewrite Slavery and American History Eddie Hyatt is at it again, butchering the bible and American history... 1 1 Comment Count
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May 3, 2024: NAR New Shiny New Object to Hate? Taylor Swift. Response to the recent attacks by the NAR on Taylor Swift, taking her lyrics out of context as bad as they do scriptures... 1 1 Comment Count
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Apr 29, 2024: The Staggering Grift of Bethel Church and Kris Vallotton The latest money grab by huckster Kris Vallotton is a two day conference for $6000... 1 1 Comment Count
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Apr 25, 2024: Charisma News Leveraging Bicklegate to Advance Women in Church Leadership Charisma News is now trying to blame the sins of one man and one church on all men... 1 1 Comment Count
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Apr 23, 2024: IHOP Pretends to Shut Down but Continues Ungodly 24-7 Prayer Sham IHOPKC moves to protect the brand as they try to salvage the unbiblical 24-7 Prayer Room... 1 1 Comment Count
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Apr 22, 2024: When Apostate Heretics Collide - Driscoll-Lindell Controversy? Seriously? This one really should not have been confusing. Driscoll is not right. Neither is Lindell. 1 1 Comment Count
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Apr 9, 2024: Examining Dr. Michael Brown's Tactics When Attacking Discernment Dr. Brown posts 16 harms done by people who dare criticize him...what can go wrong? 1 1 Comment Count
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Apr 8, 2024: Fake Demon Buster Jenny Weaver Sells Victimhood for Just $20 Per Month First look at one of the newer scam artists in the fake demon slayer space... 1 1 Comment Count
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Apr 5, 2024: Responding to Dr. Michael Brown's Questioning of Discernment Ministers Dr. Brown recently tweeted staged questions for discernment ministers thinking no one would answer, I'm game. 1 1 Comment Count
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Apr 4, 2024: Deconstructing the NAR Gatekeeper, Dr. Michael Brown Time to take a closer look at the strategies of Dr. Brown and recognize the victims of false teaching... 1 1 Comment Count
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Apr 2, 2024: Why The Unbiblical IHOP 24-7 Prayer Model Has to Go It is time to lay the case out against the IHOP model, not just the predator founder... 1 1 Comment Count
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Apr 1, 2024: Leaked IHOP Investigation Reveals Wicked Cult and Evil of the 24-7 Prayer Room Model A recently released secret investigation blows open the IHOP cult... 1 1 Comment Count
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Mar 28, 2024: Robbie Dawkins Defends Mike Bickle, Kris Vallotton, and Even Jim Bakker Leg growing huckster Robbie Dawkins mangles the bible to defend Bickle... 1 1 Comment Count
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Mar 19, 2024: Bicklegate Update - Dr. Brown Apologizes by Saying Everything He Is Not Sorry For It is damage control time for Dr. Michael Brown... 1 1 Comment Count
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Mar 12, 2024: Dr. Brown's Bicklegate Eight Release Horrific Statement Regarding Ongoing Crisis Dr. Brown is still trying to save IHOP, along with a new Charismatic clown car... 1 1 Comment Count
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Mar 11, 2024: God Continues to Destroy IHOP - Misty Edwards, Blackmail, DUI and Adultery Misty Edwards confesses to years long adulterous affair with the husband of Mike Bickle's sister. 1 1 Comment Count
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Mar 4, 2024: Analysis of American Gospel Roundtable with Dr. Brown, Storms, Peters, and Osman Breaking down the four hour roundtable from American Gospel creator Brandon Kimber... 1 1 Comment Count
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Feb 23, 2024: Bicklegate Update - Kris Vallotton Butchers the Bible and Reason to Defend Bickle Move over Steven Strang, there is new competition for the most disgusting defense of Mike Bickle... 1 1 Comment Count
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Feb 20, 2024: The False Gospel of The Chosen - Let Them Be Accursed! The bible is about Jesus, not the backstories of other biblical characters... 1 1 Comment Count
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Feb 18, 2024: Bicklegate Update - Dr. Brown Still Trying to Save What God is Tearing Down in KC Dr. Brown is at it again, conflating our individual call to pray with Bickle's unbiblical call to 24-7 prayer rooms... 1 1 Comment Count
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Feb 17, 2024: Bicklegate Update - Dr..Brown Enables Steven Strang's Ongoing Disgusting Rhetoric Strang interviews Dr. Brown to continue his assault on the victims, the advocates and the truth... 1 1 Comment Count
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Feb 14, 2024: God Is Using Bicklegate to Expose Steven Strang & Charisma News - 3rd Victim Comes Forth A third victim has not come forth, alleging abuse back when she was 15... 1 1 Comment Count

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