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Feb 13, 2024: Introducing Charisma News Latest NAR Dominionist Shill Bunni Pounds Fresh new face...tired old NAR dominionist lies... 1 1 Comment Count
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Feb 12, 2024: Bicklegate Update - Exiting PR Flack Volz Defends Ministers Seduced by Younger Women In a thoroughly disgusting interview, Volz continues to try and protect the brand he says he would be willing to die for... 1 1 Comment Count
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Feb 9, 2024: New Identified Bickle Victim Claims Abuse From Age 14 - Where is Dr. Brown, Chan Is it enough yet? How much do we need to hear before we properly discern? 1 1 Comment Count
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Feb 7, 2024: Steven Strang Doubles Down on Restoring Mike Bickle Using the Same Tired Lies Steven Strang is still lying to try and save his buddy Mike Bickle... 1 1 Comment Count
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Feb 5, 2024: Today's Dominionism Lesson - The Great Apostasy is Being Led by the NAR The delusion of NAR dominionism has now led to the belief that that unsaved masses are the ones committing the Great Apostasy... 1 1 Comment Count
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Feb 4, 2024: Alistair Begg Drama Reveals How Greatly the NAR has Influenced the Church Today It seems to me after checking the bible, Alistair Begg was right... 1 1 Comment Count
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Feb 3, 2024: NAR Dominionist Jack Hibbs Sides with Razor Wire and Circular Saws because, Who Would Jesus Kill? Why is an alleged pastor weighing in positively on the side of absolutely evil schemes in Texas to hurt or kill people? 1 1 Comment Count
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Feb 2, 2024: Jeremiah Johnson is Back - Claiming Bickle is Saved & not Losing Any Heavenly Rewards The false Trump prophet is at it again with a most vile false prophecy... 1 1 Comment Count
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Feb 1, 2024: BickleGate - Mike's Sister's False Sermon and the Sham Investigation Report Released We have two Bicklegate updates in one devotional... 1 1 Comment Count
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Jan 26, 2024: Bicklegate - Dr. Brown Wants Another Bentley-Esque NAR Clown Car Panel As the Bicklegate saga spins out of control, Dr. Brown tries an old intervention that is not going to work... 1 1 Comment Count
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Jan 26, 2024: Dr. Brown Declares War Against Those That need the Gospel the Most Dr. Brown's new focus on culture wars reveals he is now fighting against the lost... 1 1 Comment Count
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Jan 23, 2024: Bicklegate Update - Misty Edwards Confirmed as NOT Ever Being Mentioned As Victim A quick update on the Misty Edwards statement today. It is now revealed that she was never even named as a victim... 1 1 Comment Count
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Jan 23, 2024: Bicklegate Update - The Latest IHOP Deception From Misty Edwards Turns out the real victim in Bicklegate is Misty Edwards, not a victim of Bickle mind you... 1 1 Comment Count
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Jan 19, 2024: The Historical and Biblical NAR Lie of America as a Christian Nation Historically and biblically debunking the NAR argument of a Christian nation... 1 1 Comment Count
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Jan 8, 2024: Dr. Brown Goes Full-On Dominionist and Admits He Was "Wrong" About Mike Bickle Dr. Brown has decided culture wars are more important than teaching people biblically... 1 1 Comment Count
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Jan 5, 2024: False Prophet Chris Reed Gave 38 Prophecies for 2023 - How did he Do? Examining the report card for 2023 alleged prophecies from Chris Reed... 1 1 Comment Count
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Jan 5, 2024: Schizophrenic God Releases Conflicting Prophecies - Lions & Dragons and Bears, Oh My! It's that time of year again! When all the false prophets for some strange reason get different words from the same alleged Holy Spirit... 1 1 Comment Count
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Jan 2, 2024: Bicklegate Update - Steven Strang, Larry Tomczak and Dr. Brown Need to Apologize Considering the constant deflection, victim shaming and claims of exoneration for Mike Bickle, it is time certain "leaders" apologize for being so wrong... 1 1 Comment Count
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Dec 28, 2023: Mike Bickle Claimed God Told Him His Wife Would Die to Trick a 19-Year Old Into Bed One of the victims of Mike Bickle has broken her silence and IHOP cuts all ties with the predator, Bickle... 1 1 Comment Count
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Dec 22, 2023: Dr. Michael Brown, NAR Gatekeeper and the Master of Continued Denialism An exhaustive response to the latest attempt from Dr. Brown to pretend the NAR doesn't exist... 1 1 Comment Count
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Dec 20, 2023: A Year After Driving Blackout Drunk Brian Houston Wants to Start a New Church From the you gotta be kidding me files...Brian Houston wants to start another church... 1 1 Comment Count
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Dec 18, 2023: Mike Bickle's I'm Being Persecuted Non Apology Offers No Words for Victims A response to the non-apology offered by Mike Bickle recently... 1 1 Comment Count
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Dec 4, 2023: The Charisma News Mike Bickle Redemption Tour Rolls On - Larry Tomczak's Turn Next up to smear the accusers of Bickle while swearing he is the best guy ever? Larry Tomczak... 1 1 Comment Count
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Dec 4, 2023: Demonic Deceptions of False Apostle Kathryn Krick and False Prophet Troy Black Troy "God told me everything" Black confesses envy towards false apostle Kathryn Krick... 1 1 Comment Count
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Nov 29, 2023: Deconstructing Dr. Michael Brown's Declaration About the NAR & Christian Nationalism Responding to absurd position paper from two NAR leaders swearing there is no such thing as the NAR 1 1 Comment Count
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Nov 28, 2023: Fake Biden Prophecy and the False Theology of the NAR Speaker of the House From the files of the ridiculously false prophets comes Charlie Shamp... 1 1 Comment Count
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Nov 25, 2023: 2Timothy 3:2-5 - God is Speaking About the Church, not the World It is time to consider these verses have been speaking about the church all along... 1 1 Comment Count
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Nov 23, 2023: The NAR Tries to Rebrand Thanksgiving - Democrats Not Welcome Happy Thanksgiving too all. What says Thanksgiving more than the NAR telling us we only get to heaven if we vote for Donald Trump... 1 1 Comment Count
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Nov 21, 2023: Steven Strang Smears Former IHOP Leaders and Calls Bickle Victims Liars Strang is again using his Charisma platform for disgusting evil... 1 1 Comment Count
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Nov 17, 2023: The Mike Bickle Cover-Up Is Well Under Way The cover up has begun, do not be fooled beloved... 1 1 Comment Count

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