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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/5/22

How the Republican Party Co-Opts the Apostate Church and How They Try to Co-Opt Your Vote

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So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. - Galatians 6:10 (ESV)

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With one month to go before Election Day, the pressure to co-opt the Christian vote will grow with each passing day. We will continue to be inundated about how this is the most crucial election of our lifetime, until the next of course. The powers that be in the Republican Party know full well they cannot win without convincing Christians that their evil candidates are not only better than the evil Democratic candidates but that they are somehow righteous. The leaders in the apostate church are fully in bed with the republicans, although they will dance around it and pretend they are only promoting "values." As much as they continue to bombard us, we must respond in kind so people are not led astray. Make no mistake about it beloved, political idolatry is the final idol of the church age. It continues to shipwreck faith every day. Its foundation is built on the sand of this world in its carnality. It is time to respond in kind, with the truth, and push back the forces of darkness that insist that man is the solution for any of the problems of this world. So, let us reason once more through the latest Christo-political hack job linked above by Charisma News.

"American citizens of all backgrounds are seeing the results of a country that kicked out God.

With the removal of the Ten Commandments and prayer from the government, citizens now suffer beneath a regime that does not honor God or the founding principles that built this nation.

Christians across the country have noticed a lack of attendance by fellow believers at the polls, many of whom believe that Christians should be apolitical. If that were the case this nation would never have been founded, slavery would have continued and the Axis powers would not have been defeated. It was Christian principles and morality that led the political charge for freedom and against slavery, socialism and communism." - Charisma News

What absurdity. This nation would not have been founded if Christians were apolitical? Go back and understand the American Revolution and you will not find a single Christian motivation. This was an economic rebellion, in violation of Romans 13 I might add, designed to end economic tyranny. Does anyone remember no taxation without representation? The Boston Tea Party was actually about tea! Christian principles and morality led the charge against slavery? What about the first hundred years of our existence running the slave trade? What about the fact that southern Christians would use the bible to justify slavery! This is not just revisionist history beloved, it is a flat out lie. Led the charge against communism? Yes, by the likes of Senator Joseph McCarthy who destroyed lives by lying about people. Not exactly something to be bragging about in the name of Jesus. Defeated the Axis powers? What school did these guys go to? The insinuation is that the secular world could not have recognized the inherent evil of Hitler's Germany if not for Christians? Please stop embarrassing yourself.

As for the whining factor. I simply do not understand why the church allows these people to minimize the God we serve. My God is omnipotent! He cannot be "kicked out of schools." Removing a monument to something most Christians couldn't even get right does not change who God is in this country. Think of the utter stupidity of what is being said. That because the Supreme Court ruled that you cannot force all children to pray to your God that we now are "suffering" under a regime that does not honor God? Can you name any regime of man that has honored God? Do you think Donald Trump's regime honored God? George W. Bush starting a war based on lies that killed over a million people? Reagan and the hostages? If you are thinking that your choices were not "as bad" as the other side then you are defining the lesser of two evils. God is most definitely not impressed with your perception of and forceful support of evil, no matter how "lesser" you have deemed it to be. Christians should be apolitical because Jesus was. Let me say that again for the scripturally impaired. Jesus was apolitical. During His years of ministry there was real political persecution being visited upon His people by the oppressive Roman Empire, yet Jesus did nothing about it. Why? Because His kingdom was not of this world and He came to deliver them from a far more dangerous enemy, the devil and sin. The stakes have not changed since then. Whatever panic some might feel when examining the political woes of this age they pale in comparison to the war against sin and the eternal consequences. Joe Biden is not the devil. Seriously, he is not. He does not even compare at all to someone like Emperor Nero. Yet NAR dominionists want us to believe that while Jesus did nothing about the evil Roman emperors of His day, He now is apoplectic about Joe Biden. That dog don't hunt.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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