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Devotionals    H3'ed 12/3/21

Jennifer LeClaire Adopts Canada to Pray for an Escape from Vaccines

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Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudginglynot for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. Don't lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example. And when the Great Shepherd appears, you will receive a crown of never-ending glory and honor. - 1Peter 5:2-4 (ESV)

Nearly 30 Years After Toronto Revival, Pastors Under Fire in Canada Charisma News

The COVID pandemic has exposed a great swath of the apostate church for the self-serving, craven political force it truly is. The math is simple here but those with mega-church, cult of personality pastors have chosen to deny math and science in pursuit of their purpose driven church (PDC) paradigm. You see, under the teachings of the PDC, the only activity that has any merit is the Sunday church service. That is where the vision caster shares their vision. That is where all ancillary ministries operate. That is where the money is collected to fuel the carnal growth schemes the church engages in. The traditional design of the church went far beyond the Sunday gathering. The true church is one of community. Sure, there is no replacement for corporate worship but during difficult times such as a worldwide pandemic, the church could still flourish and protect themselves and their community. Organizing outreach, checking on individual church members and providing needed community services however takes real work. It is much easier to cry religious persecution because the government has decreed that you should not create supers-spreader events. Over the past two years we have seen entire churches contract COVID and pastors die after mocking the virus and the need for vaccines. Nevertheless, lessons are never learned and even once respected preachers like John MacArthur have joined the panoply of false teachers who defy the governmental authorities and meet publicly despite all evidence that they are essentially killing their own sheep. This reality exists north of the border as well, as several PDC pastors have engaged in the same nonsense as their America counterparts. Many there have chosen to get arrested rather than simple obedience to the law. I say chosen because from all reporting Canada has bent over backwards to accommodate these folks only to finally give in and enforce the laws they continually see flaunted. I say this as backdrop to the above linked article on Charisma News from the creator of the sneaky squid spirit herself. The false prophetess who tells you she can command entire legions of angels to personally profit you. The marine demon drowning heretic herself, Jennifer LeClaire. Let us reason once more together through this article and see the deception used in the furtherance of the PDC model during this time of international strife.

"Christians in Canada are under fire, while the Muslim population there as tripled in 15 years, according to Blacklock's Reporter. "The religious landscape in Canada has undergone significant changes," since the 1994 Toronto Blessing, analysts wrote in a report. According to StatsCan, the proportion of Christians that averaged 90 percent in the 1981 Census and is currently 63 percent, is projected to fall to about 52 percent. Meanwhile, pastors are being arrested in the Great White North. In October, a Canadian pastor was arrested on the tarmac over COVID rules, according to Fox News. His luggage was confiscated and his laptop was investigated. "I don't know what they were looking for," Pastor Artur Pawlowski, the arrested pastor said of the Canadian authorities. "I'm a pastor. I'm not a spy, and I'm not a terrorist. Everything that I do is public." This assault on religious freedom started brewing before Pawlowski's arrest. Missouri Senator Josh Hawley in June made an official plea to U.S. authorities to condemn Canada's restrictions on religious freedom during the pandemic." - Jennifer LeClaire

There is a lot to unpack here. First of all, the wistful memories of the Toronto so called blessing only reveals the depths of the false teaching and depravity of Jennifer LeClaire and Charisma News. What happened in Toronto in the 1990's was a demonic outpouring, not a blessing. Search YouTube and watch as congregants engage in what they called holy laughter, where they claimed they were influenced by the Holy Spirit to laugh uncontrollably, roll around on the floor, and make animal noises. Some of this heresy exists in Charismatic circles to this day even thought one of the fruits of the spirit is self-control. This heretical explosion led to the Pensacola Kundalini spirit outpouring where people would shake violently against their will and blame the Holy Spirit as well. Some of the worst Charismatic practices today, which are simply Satanic, began in Toronto. If Jennifer wants to explore why Christian denominations have been on the decline in Canada she may want to start there. This recent spate of willful anti-law behaviors during COVID will only lead to more people leaving Christianity. People are not stupid beloved. They can see self-serving politics thinly disguised as religion for what it is - a lie.

For example, it is a lie to state as fact that Pastor Pawlowski, who has zero credibility, had his laptop examined. This information comes from Pawlowski himself, who claims the laptop was returned to him with the password not locked. Putting that obvious distraction aside, it is also a lie to refer to this series of incidents as a "religious freedom assault." Josh Hawley, a miserable political ideologue, is likewise moronically wrong for portraying this as Canada restricting religious freedom. Consider this tweet from a Toronto Anglican Priest in response to the assertion that Pawlowski was being arrested for holding a church service:

"Nope. He wasn't arrested for "holding a church service". Hundreds of pastors are holding services today and still abiding by a law designed to PROTECT people from a deadly virus. He could too. He chooses himself over his neighbour. Church finance over church witness," - Toronto Anglican priest, Daniel Brereton

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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