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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/31/17

NAR Rebukes Tyler Perry for Walking Away from Their False Christ

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For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough. - 2Corinthians 11: 4 (ESV)

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a multi-pronged cancer infecting the body of Christ for several decades now, growing in influence and expanding in heresy. Originally founded in the late 1990's by the late C Peter Wagner, the NAR believed that God was putting the band back together so to speak by appointing new apostles to serve in these end times and lo and behold -- it was them! While Wagner and others openly spoke about the NAR the true insidiousness about its evil was that no one really trumpeted it as a movement. There was no official organization of the loosely affiliated preachers so that plausible deniability could always be offered up, right until this day. Dr. Michael Brown for instance, a staunch and obvious NAR adherent and defender, acts as if there is no such thing as the NAR when discussing it.

One of the strongest planks in the platform of NAR teaching is dominionism. This is the false belief that Christians must take over the world in order to facilitate the second coming of Jesus Christ. To that end, they teach the seven mountains heresy that says Christians must infiltrate and take over seven cultural mountains as part of the overall dominionist agenda. One of those mountains is government, which is why you see so many Christians falsely chasing carnal politicians as the Christian balm for all that ails this world. The reality is that they worship this country and not God however. They are enamored with this nation and the sin and excess it provides them from their perch as leaders within the false movement they have created. In the days Jesus walked the earth such people were known as the Pharisees. This is not to "play the Pharisee card" as too many try to do today. It is just pointing out the obvious correlation between two groups of religious leaders who do not wish to cede their carnal power within their religious system, even if it is to the Savior they claim to seek. One of the central media pulpits this group is in charge of is Charisma News, which is a virtual cesspool of bogus prophecies, false teachings and the idolization of America. One of the foremost America Idolization authors on Charisma is Larry Tomczak and his latest offering is linked above. It seems today Larry is upset with Tyler Perry for some perceived backsliding the famous cross-dressing actor has engaged in lately. You see, one of the other cultural mountains Christians are supposed to conquer according to NAR theology is entertainment. This is why we see so much Christian leadership enamored with "Christian" movies and television series. Like an eighth grade junior high prom wallflower, the church waits impatiently for anyone in the world to look their way. For whatever absurdly unbiblical bone Hollywood is willing to throw in their general direction, the church swoons. For years Perry has been held aloft as a spiritual Hollywood leading man, who achieved all of his success due to the fact that he was an occasional Christian. Let us reason together beloved through the tortured reasoning of Tomczak as he desperately tries to get Perry back on the right path of NAR churchianity.

"A number of years ago, entrepreneur and movie mogul Tyler Perry was interviewed on CBN. He concluded by saying his phenomenal success would continue as long as he did the following: "If I keep sowing good things, keep doing my best and keep trying to please God, that's the only harvest that can come to me." Because of my respect and love for our multi-gifted brother in Christ, I write this commentary in hopes it will bring about a course correction to his current trajectory. Although imperceptible to some, his career has recently drifted off course. My sincere prayer is that he will read this and make the necessary adjustments. -- Larry Tomczak

Right from the premise we can see the flaws in the rationale of Larry Tomczak. Look at the three things Perry stated as being necessary to result in a "good harvest." The first is sowing good things, which is a direct reference to the sow to be blessed NAR theology. Now beloved -- there is a general principle of sowing and reaping but that goes far beyond "blessing." That is the central concept Perry is speaking to because it was what he was taught within churchianity. Perhaps Tyler is speaking about his public display of sowing good things when he told the congregation at TD Jakes church that he would be sowing one million dollars into a project the Bishop was starting up. Never mind that this declaration was made during the offering as a way to guilt people into giving more. Never mind that it represented 1/400 of his total worth at the time. Never mind that Jakes openly denies the Trinity and has a clear relationship to new age guru Oprah Winfrey. This is what the NAR and modern churchianity consider "sowing good things." The other two things Perry says he had to do in order to continue to experience his 400 million dollar success, was "doing my best" and "keep trying to please God." That sounds a bit law heavy no? If we truly want to do your best we need to submit to God and that means acknowledging we can do nothing apart from Him. NAR and dominionist teachings however are solely focused on man. Christ needs us to take over the world. He needs us to conquer the seven mountains. I have heard extreme teaching in this vein be that God cannot actually do anything upon the earth without our permission. This was not taught by fringe names either but very mainstream false teachers.

Tomczak goes on to detail the meteoric rise of Perry from homeless man to Hollywood darling, highlighting his God fearing mother. He portrays Perry as praying through his difficult times and the dramatic turnaround that ensued. How by 2011, his films had grossed over 500 million dollars and he had signed a lucrative deal with Oprah Winfrey and her new satellite network. Tomczak would also highlight the multi-million dollar mansions and endless acres of property Perry enjoyed buying. He summarizes this as follows:

'In 2019, he begins his long-term deal with Viacom for an original drama and comedy series. Truly life has been extremely good to this hard-working, "rags to riches" man who promised, "If I keep sowing good things, keep doing my best and keep trying to please God that's the only harvest that can come to me."' -- Larry Tomczak

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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