Archives for Devotionals

September 2022

Friday, September 30:

Dominionist - The Government is Meant for Moral People to Run It -LOL (1 comments)

Wednesday, September 28:

It Is Seriously Time to Worry for the Mental Health of Mario Murillo (1 comments)

Monday, September 26:

Spiritual Bully Joseph Mattera - Do as I Dictate or You are an Atheist (3 comments)

Friday, September 23:

Mario Murillo - Grooming the Next January 6th Criminals to Destroy the Democrats (1 comments)

Monday, September 19:

Maniacal Mario Murillo Advises to Dump Your Christian Friends who Do not Wish to Jump Into His Imaginary River (2 comments)

Friday, September 16:

Dr. Michael Brown Vs. Dr. Michael Brown - This is What Dominionism Does To You (1 comments)

Friday, September 9:

Kris Vallotton - The Spiritual Cartographer and Solutionary Grift in Action (2 comments)

Tuesday, September 6:

Excusia and Athentein - The Desperation of Christo-Feminism (1 comments)


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