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Dr. Michael Brown -- When NAR Politics and Racism Collide

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So Peter opened his mouth and said: "Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. -- Acts 10:34-35 (ESV)

It appears as if Dr. Michael Brown is trying the "but look, I have black friends" defense when discussing his problem of being pro-Trump yet claiming the mantle of Christianity. It must be an uncomfortable position to be in because I seriously doubt that Brown is racist yet the NAR dominionist platform demands a denouncement of cultural movements such as Black Lives Matter (BLM). So Brown walks this tightrope trying to sound so vehemently opposed to racism yet refusing to side with the oppressed and he knows what the bible says about helping the oppressed. He knows what the bible says about how God views all men equally. The key verses clearly state that in any nation, which means any race, anyone who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him. God shows no partiality beloved. Let us reason together once more through the above linked article from Dr. Brown and watch the gymnastics he must resort to in order to sound like he cares about this problem without doing anything about it.

"One of the great benefits of hosting a daily talk radio show for the last 12 years is that you learn a lot from your callers, gaining new and different perspectives. That's why I regularly solicit input from my social media audiences as well. This way, we can learn from each other instead of passing like ships in the night. In that spirit, on June 10, I posted this on the AskDrBrown Facebook page: "To my black brothers and sisters in Jesus, please share your thoughts with your white brothers and sisters here, as part of the same family and one together in Jesus. "If you've been following my articles and broadcasts, you know I take strong exception to the BLM [Black Lives Matter] movement because of its radical social agenda, and I refuse to bow my knee to mobocracy. At the same time, I absolutely want to show my solidarity to my black friends in times of pain and frustration, and I want to be an ally to combat racism wherever we find it. But I have friends of mine who are pastors and are finding this a very difficult line to walk, since their rejection of the BLM movement and the mob mentality is being perceived as lack of solidarity in standing against injustice." -- Dr. Michael Brown

So the first obvious problem is that the pool of people he is surveying are obviously pro-Brown to begin with. The second is the framing Brown chooses is to play to their collective sense of what is right as a Christian. So, he surveys a biased group of people and then makes them further biased in their answers by correctly stating the unity we should have with fellow brothers and sisters. The problem of course is that racism and BLM exist from a point where this unity has already been broken. This is how Brown always operates to make himself look even handed and the generate the answers he desires. This is so he can deny the reality around him and still grasp on to his dominionism while pretending to be above the fray. It is transparent in its clumsiness.

How clumsy? No sooner is the word Kumbaya out of his mouth then he is denouncing BLM. His duplicity is evident in his claiming that he wants to stand in solidarity with his "black friends", just not those who he has deemed too radical. The stated goals for BLM include such radical notions as not wanting to be murdered by police (police brutality), racial injustice, criminal justice reform, healthcare, education, voting rights, and government corruption. Now within some of these larger issues there may be smaller issues that some might object to. To dismiss them entirely out of hand however because you have deemed them too radical is absurd and indicative of where your heart truly is. You see the problem Brown must deal with is he cannot face his masters while supporting BLM, which is decidedly on the left of the political spectrum. As a NAR dominionist, Brown must oppose BLM just because of what side of politics they're on. So thus they must be smeared as a "mobocracy" to avoid the more difficult work of actually discussing with black people what they feel needs to change. The reason why his pastor friends are finding the line difficult to walk is that it is hypocritical. You cannot say that you stand against racism and refuse to listen to the number one organization fighting racism from the other side. To belittle them all to a mob mentality is asinine and again transparent. Were there elements at the protests heard around the world that were out of control mobs? Sure, but I never saw one report that they were BLM organized or funded. They were usually far right or far left groups there strictly to advance their agenda of radicalism. Black lives matter stand against injustice against black people. If there are parts of their agenda you disagree with, that is what constructive conversations are for. to find common ground. If your opening gambit however is to dismiss them altogether, while swearing your not a racist and asking your "black friends" to prop you up is not very convincing.

'"So, what would you say to your white friends who stand with you against racism and injustice but will not bow down to the BLM movement?

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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