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Dr. Michael Brown -- When NAR Politics and Racism Collide

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"Thanks for your input and your solidarity as we stand united in Jesus."

As of this writing, we received almost 800 comments, so I could barely begin to share some of the excellent feedback. And comments like this one (which merited deletion) were extremely rare: "I would say you are a racist and good riddance. You are no longer a valid participant in my life. It's quite apparent you are ignorant beyond belief and it is not my job to educate you. FYI you saying you stand with me and not back BLM says you don't really stand for me at all. #canceled" So much for reaching out!' -- Dr. Michael Brown

Using Jesus to cover up racism is very unseemly. When we stand before Christ we will not be able to lie so easily. The truly sad thing is like I said, I doubt in his heart that Brown is racist. He just has aligned himself politically with those who stand against progress on racial issues. His politics have become his idol and it is showing here. Just look at the comment he admits gleefully to deleting! Brown does sound ignorant on these matters! It is not the job of the masses to educate someone who is so learned to begin with! Granted the respondent could have been politer and not called Brown a racist but his summary is absolutely correct. Do not tell me you stand with me while you are dismissing the number one organization supporting my rights.

'But overwhelmingly, the comments were very useful, leading to helpful, interracial discussion. Many expressed appreciation that I took the time to hear the hearts of those who are hurting. When white Christians deny the ongoing issues of racism in America, that only adds to the pain. Others were glad that my colleagues and I had not bowed down to radical political ideologies. At the same time, they urged, "Let your statement that black lives matter be louder than your opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement." Still others pointed to our unity in Jesus and our need to work together for the betterment of our country, urging us to Christian deeds of compassion. Samuel said, "Simply speak out against injustice. Preachers who preach the bible properly and understand social issues should already be doing this."' -- Dr. Michael Brown

Brown just cannot help himself. God always reveals the heart and the truth. Suddenly, this exercise is clearly about Dr. Brown. The respondents expressed appreciation that you would take the time to actually listen to them? Seriously? People who follow you on Twitter, who agree with your politics, and call in regularly to your radio show were appreciative that you bothered to listen to them -- well as long as they were not being to radical of course. Those "merited deletion." What adds more to the collective pain of racism in America is when white people go out of their way to swear allegiance and fidelity while refusing to actually listen to the other side. The notion that Dr. Michael Brown, Trump apologist extraordinaire, would label someone else as having a radical political ideology is positively hysterical. You cannot claim to be speaking against injustice if you refuse to hear those that are speaking the loudest. Again, Brown's scheme here is crystallizing. In order to maintain his position as NAR gatekeeper he is forced to denounce BLM. In order to do this and still sound vaguely Christian, he solicited favorable opinions of his strategy to dismiss BLM out of hand as being extremist or mobocracy.

'Shaniqua noted that, "We should always handle sin issues with Jesus as the cure, because he is the only cure." And Derrick offered this plea: "Stop worrying about BLM group. Most of us don't support the liberal component. ... but right now ... right now ... the MAJOR issue is racial injustice & police brutality ... stop looking around and focus on the main issue please. Black folk are TIRED ... of trying to explain the frustration of seeing OVER 400 years of abuse ... please brothers & sisters in Christ ... listen and don't be easily offended as scripture says ... and help people that are around you. Speak up when off color remarks are made. We will get through this with Jesus help ... the time now ... calls for listening, mourning & understanding of the black experience in America ... not focusing on groups who don't hold biblical views anyway."' -- Dr. Michael Brown

While Jesus is always the cure, we are not dealing with a religious group but rather a secular one. This is ploy number one from Christians who do not want to face their own hatred. Just deflect back to Jesus and throw your hands up in the air. The problem with that is you can realize Jesus is the only way to change a heart and still believe you can enact positive change in society that doesn't see black people being murdered by those sworn to protect them. The more egregious response is the second one listed here. I am sure Dr. Brown was salivating over it because they dismissed BLM as quickly as he did by labeling them "liberal" and a group that does not focus on biblical views. Is that what it has come to in the apostate church in America? Brown's radio program does not hold to biblical values either. He routinely defends the most horrific false teachers on the planet. Note however that Derrick's opinion is nearly an identical match as Dr. Brown. To close, Brown cherry picks another respondent that suits his narrative. The respondent, Terrence, is all over the map but here are some highlights:

"This just give us a glimpse of the some of the feedback, which, I encourage you to read for yourself. But I'll end with a lengthy comment from Terrence, who captured a lot of the key ideas. He wrote: "#1. When 99% of the black people I know say BLM, we're NOT talking about some organization formed a few years ago in response to one killing; which seems to be the consensus thought of many white people. "Talk to 100 black people and realize that BLM is the idea that law enforcement cannot unjustly murder a black person and get away with it. It's the STATEMENT that we feel needs to be told to every law enforcement officer that applies the law and their authority unfairly to black people. THEY need to hear it even if you don't." So, when some of us hear the words "Black Lives Matter," we immediately think of the radical leftist organization. According to Terrence, that is not the case with the vast majority of American blacks.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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