Secret rooms in heaven? Angelic rank and God's very own world war? Who knew there was a situation room in heaven? Who knew we had personal war assignments? Sign me up! As an extra added bonus, Jennifer will pray for you if you buy the bundle the following:
Your spiritual eyes to be opened
The dreamer's anointing to be released
A spirit of wisdom and revelation
A sensitivity to the angelic realm
And more!
Uh-oh, I smell a "School for the Dreamer" coming to Fort Lauderdale soon! Seriously beloved, this is simply and abomination to the faith a stain on the church. It is the absolute height of absurdity and defines exactly what the key verse teaches about. She is a huckster preaching for personal profit. There is no sincerity in charging someone 138 dollars to teach them how to drown something that does not exist. She carries no authority, and I am comforted in the knowledge that God is watching. Just as He is watching Jennifer's latest foray back into her imaginary world of angels. Mind you this is not suggesting that angels do not exist - they do. It does mean however that Jennifer LeClaire cannot command legions of angels let alone one. She wrote a book once claiming to be releasing the angels of abundant harvest, which of course were going to make us rich beyond our greedy little dreams. Of course the angels were never released, no one got an abundant harvest. Well except Jennifer of course. Let us briefly reason once more through the article linked above.
"DREAMS & VISIONS When Angels Carrying Glory Gifts Through Portals
There's been a lot of angelic activity at Awakening House of Prayer in recent weeks. Let me clarify: I believe there's angelic activity all around us all the time, but God has pulled back the veil on the angelic activity at a higher level over the past few Sundays. In one encounter, a portal opened and with it, a new dimension of sound came forth. Everything was suddenly louder and crisper. Then I saw angels coming through windows carrying glory gifts. I call them glory gifts because these boxes with bows appeared to be glowing with the glory of God. What was going on: the Lord is bringing new gifts and new glory to the church." - Jennifer LeClaire
God has pulled back the veil on angelic activity at a higher level? What does that even mean? Is He a hostess on the Price is Right? Why was He hiding it? Why would He do this at a false church preaching a false gospel? Or was He there for the bundle deal? An actual portal opened in your church service? Where are the pictures? Do people check their cell phones at your Welcome Center? New gifts? Sounds like new grifts.