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Devotionals    H3'ed 12/29/20

A Charismatic Two-For of Insanity with Jennifer "Sneaky Squid" LeClaire

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"We know there are windows in heaven because Malachi 3:10 speaks of them--not just a single window but more than one. Of course, we don't know how many. We know the angels go through windows of heaven based on Jacob's experience in the wilderness: "Then he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it" (Genesis 28:12). In Joseph's dream, we see a path from heaven to earth and vice versa through a window, or portal. Can angels really bring gifts from heaven? Yes, in the sense of revelation. Angels are, in essence, messengers. Although there are many functions of angels in the Bible, delivering messages or revelations from the Throne Room are a key part of angelic activity in the earth. Some angels are on assignment with prophetic announcements. Angels announced the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus (see Matthew 1:20-21; Luke 1:11-13.) What a glory gift these women received! Angels with the assignment to help interpret God-given dreams (See Daniel 7:16; Daniel 10:5.) Daniel; received the glory gift of an unlocked mystery." - Jennifer LeClaire

Sigh, where to begin with this butchering of the bible? Malachi 3:10 does not speak of actual windows in heaven. He was speaking figuratively of blessing obedient people. Read Genesis 28 and see if you can find the word window because it is not there. This is what hucksters do. If they cannot find what they want the bible to say they will just invent it knowing most will never check for themselves. Even if the angels on Jacob's ladder were coming out of a window it does not matter because this was a dream! We do not base our theology on a dream God gave someone thousands of years ago and infer that He must also have meant it for me! I would say the same about Joseph's dreams but none of them mention windows too. In fact it is not even vaguely mentioned. Now, it is true that angels have acted as messengers and I will concede that these revelations could be considered a gift from God. Here is the logical and hermeneutic disconnect. Just because something happened a small handful of times across millennia does not mean it is happening today with the apparent frequency of changing one's socks. Yet this is the modus operandi for false teachers everywhere. Find somewhere in the bible that says a word you are focusing on and ignore all of the context to apply it to your situation. If you cannot find it, make it up. Daniel may very well have received a glory gift of an unlocked mystery but that does not translate into angelic theology for today.

"The Bible also mentions angels of provision. God sends angels on assignment to bring revelation to His people (See Acts 8:26-27; Acts 27:23-24; Daniel 9:21-22.) While the Holy Spirit warns us of impending danger, God can send angels on assignment to warn us of situations and circumstances we need to avoid and even show us the way of escape (see Genesis 19:1-10). We should be aware of angelic activity and receive the glory gifts they bring us. Angels are ministering spirits, sent to minister to us as heirs of salvation (see Hebrews 1:4). Jesus allowed angels to minister to Him more than once, so should we be open to the ministry of angels." - Jennifer LeClaire

The bible does not mention angels of provision. Yes, angels have "provided" before but once again we see LeClaire creating doctrine out of singular events in the bible. Think of it this way when examining the three verse sets she references plus her own experience. An angel guided Phillip so that he might preach the Gospel to the Ethiopian Eunuch. Paul is comforted by an angel that he must stand before Caesar while the third angel provides insight to Daniel, held captive in Babylon. And the fourth angel apparently visited Jenifer LeClaire to show her angels coming out of windows bearing gifts. Right.

Beloved, angels are real. Jennifer LeClaire is not. Learn the truth. Discern the false.

Reverend Anthony Wade - December 29, 2020

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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