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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/3/17

Charisma News -- Taking a Knee to Promote Hatred in the Name of Christ

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"To the celebrities and star athletes who are making millions of dollars playing a game, listen to me clearly: You are biting the hand that feeds you. It is without argument that you would not be where you are if you did not live in this nation. This sense of entitlement that makes you think you have to speak out and protest against the nation that gave you the very luxury and privilege you now enjoy is a true depiction of an arrogant and ungrateful spirit, which is a stench in the nostrils of those who've fought for your freedoms. This leads me to a second point. You received the opportunity to make millions of dollars playing a game you love because you live in a great nation. To you NFLer's who continue to show your protest during our National Anthem, were it not for the free market system of the United States of America, you would not be a millionaire and enjoy a life of extravagant living that 99 percent of the world does not enjoy. If it were not for this great nation you would not live in a mansion or drive a Lamborghini. You would not be staying in five-star hotels, flying first class, or partying at expensive nightclubs and eating exquisite meals. It is because of this wonderful nation called America that millions upon millions of people have received more opportunity, more hope, and more prosperity than any other nation in history has been able to give. You have a right to protest but not at your employer's burden and expense. Do it on your time and dime. You are ruining the game of football that many fans enjoy. You have blemished the sport." -- Bert Farias

I am reminded of a sermon given by John Hagee a couple years back in which he literally screamed at anyone who was an atheist refusing to say Merry Christmas to "leave his country." I remember thinking at the time what an odd evangelism plan. Remember, Farias is a self-promoted Christian revivalist trying to restore the true spirit of Christianity to the church. You know; if you love the military. Oh and if you are black but still vote republican, refuse to say anything about racism, and love statues of Confederate generals. If you are in those groups he will revive you! By the way, what is with the bogus talking points about wealth? Most of these athletes worked their entire lives to get to this point Bert but you make it sound like it was given to them. Most only get a ten year window and many leave with permanent injuries, traumatic brain injuries and shorted lifespans. There is no "employer burden". The employers were kneeling right next to the players after the president attacked them. It is also not at their expense. Any other stale false talking points you want to take from Fox News or would you like to get back to the cause of Christ at some point? Ruined the game and blemished it? I am sorry but I thought this was about standing up for the troops? No wait I thought it was about the fact that there was no racism anymore? Now it's about the game itself? Tell you what. Stop watching it Bert. If you are so righteous, stop watching it. We all I know you will sneak back in though because this is not about the game and you know it. It is about your idol and you cannot take when someone besmirches your idol. Farias now resorts to name calling:

"The problem is that these athletes have been caught up in leftist politics who have an agenda to take down our nation in favor of a future globalist government. You are what Karl Marx referred to as "useful idiots". Karl Marx described "useful idiots" as those who carry the Marxist ideals throughout a society or country itself, but this term can apply to anyone who believes in useless political ideals. Many young college students are bought and sold by liberal/socialist ideals--as if no-gun laws will actually stop crime in its tracks, as if heavy government control in our lives is a good thing, and universal healthcare will solve all issues. Wake up. You have been kidnapped by Marxist ideoligists and made into a useful idiot." -- Bert Farias

It seems like the only person caught up in political ideologies is Bert Farias. These are stock talking points for anyone on the right in this country for criticizing those who would dare to disagree with them. If you honestly believe that the football players are espousing Marxist ideology than you are an idiot and not a very useful one at that. Look at the scope of the rant Farias is into here. Does anyone know of any football player who was taking a knee because they favor globalist agendas or anti-gun laws? Then as a Christian to espouse that it is somehow wrong to believe everyone should have healthcare? This is hill Farias wishes to die upon?

"That is what this young generation is being fed. They can be considered useful idiots because other countries around the world have proven these leftist ideas terribly wrong, yet they still blindly follow their leaders who peddle this propaganda. Useful idiots believe they are fighting for "good" causes, but do not have the ability to think for themselves. It is actually another form of slavery. If they would actually sit and think things through for a few minutes, they would realize how nonsensical and idiotic these ideas really are." -- Bert Farias

The amount of conceit it takes to make statements like this is staggering to me. So people who stand up for what they deem to be good causes must not be able to think for themselves and are actually slaves? Are you serious? The reality is that the originator of these protests, who has since been blackballed out of employment, knelt down to provide silent protest to what he felt was racial injustice at the hands of police across this country. Now I understand and respect your right to have the opinion that there is no systemic racism. The problem is that the Bert Farias' of the world do not respect anyone else's rights but their own. I genuinely worry for people who are so blinded by their sense that they are right that every alternative must be "nonsensical" or "idiotic."

"One black veteran called these athlete protesters traitors as he observed that the players from the Baltimore Ravens and Jacksonville Jaguar players stood for the British national anthem in London but won't stand for ours. He stated that it was the same principle as going over to your neighbor's house and criticizing your house and your parents and their values to your neighbors' face. Traitors! Finally, if you don't honor and respect this nation, go relocate to another nation. As a matter of fact, go to some poverty-stricken nation like Ethiopia where many people's goal is to just eat a morsel of bread or a small scoop of rice every day and see how you fare over there. You are a useful idiot to the leftist agenda that has been shoved down your throat. You have swallowed a big fat lie." -- Bert Farias

Traitors? So in the same article you decry the removal of statues memorializing actual traitors to this country while accusing people who peacefully protest of the same thing. All in the name of Christianity I might add. All in the name of an obvious rage that needs to checked before he ever writes again. To many people honoring this nation is to follow in the footsteps of great historical leaders who refused to accept the status quo. Respecting this nation begins with respecting the very freedoms Bert Farias thinks should never be used. If you think that kneeling down during the national anthem is a sign of disrespect then that is on you. If you claim to love liberty but hate when people exercise it in a manner you do not like; it is not liberty you love but something far more insidious. Freedom is not free. It costs something. It cost the soldier something. It cost the civil servant something. It cost the average American something. That something is our tolerance for views that may not align with our worldview. It is a cost however that Bert Farias is simply unwilling to pay.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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