"Finally, there are millions of fans who will not support millionaire ingrates who hate America and dishonor our Armed Forces and Veterans. Who wins a football game has zero effect on our lives, but who fights and defends our freedoms has great impact on our lives. We stand with heroes, not a bunch of rich, entitled, arrogant, anti-American degenerates." -- Bert Farias
Said the man who created a biography for himself that says he is a Christian revivalist trying to restore the true spirit of Christianity to the church. This has not been even remotely Christian and sadly, it has been even less American. It has been an utter train wreck of carnal politics wrapped in a thinly disguised veil of piety. There is no question that as a country we have never been more divided but this article is the reason why. Because anyone who dares to disagree with the fascist, idol worshipping stance of Mr. Bert Farias is deemed less than. He is deemed a useful idiot. He is deemed an ingrate. He is deemed an anti-American degenerate. He is deemed arrogant and entitled for kneeling. He is accused of biting the hand that feeds him. He is a slave. He is a traitor. He should go live in Ethiopia and live on bread morsels. That is not the true spirit of Christianity beloved. That is the true spirit of hatred. It is the true spirit of Satan.
This is neither an endorsement nor condemnation of the protests that the NFL players undertook over past few weeks. I can understand the valid points on both sides. I believe that this country allows both sides to have their points of view. That is what freedom looks like. It looks like one football player refusing to kneel placing his hand on the shoulder of his kneeling teammate. Showing solidarity for both his opinion and the humanity contained in the opposing opinion. That is what freedom looks like. I truly feel badly for Bert Farias. He is so enamored with this country and worshipping it that he has lost sight of His Savior. His anger is profoundly tangible as he has called people he has never even met nor talked with some very ugly and divisive words in this article. He has impugned their motives, challenged their intellect, and stripped them of their patriotism all for the horrific crime of having a different opinion. Yet he claims to be defending liberty. That word you are using sir? I am not entirely sure you understand what it means.
Reverend Anthony Wade -- October 3, 2017