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Devotionals    H3'ed 10/3/19

Dr. Brown Uses Machiavelli, the Talmud, & the Kitchen Sink to Defend His NAR Dominionism

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Realizing that the bible will not support this foolishness, Brown turns to the Talmud to try and prop up his politics. Look at the depths Brown will sink to in order to feel right about a decision he knows he is fundamentally wrong about. He turns to a non-biblical story that basically says to save your life it is ok to compromise your faith unless it is dealing with the big three offenses. And then he mangles it completely to present a false choice. That a noble goal is worth compromising by lying, breaking the law, and being nasty. First of all, the nobility is assumed. Secondly, even if the cause is somehow righteous that means it is ok to break the law? I do not think Brown has really thought this one out because he is so desperate to try and make his unbiblical political theology appear pious. If you think that was bad, now he will construct a ridiculous strawman scenario that has no relevance:

'Consider this illustration. You get an emergency call from a friend. You have in your possession the antidote to a deadly snake bite, but it must be applied within one hour or the victim will die. Your friend is frantic on the phone. Ten children, playing in a schoolyard, have been bitten by a venomous snake, but no one in the community has the antidote. Thankfully, you have it, but you live 45 minutes away and there is road construction on the main highway. The only way you can deliver the antidote on time is by violating the relevant traffic laws, getting out of your car and screaming at others to get out of your way, and, to overcome one last hurdle, telling a blatant lie. But you arrive on time, and the children are saved. Would anyone question for a split second that the ends justified the means? Not a chance. You would be viewed as a hero (or heroin) and everyone would recognize that you did what you had to do to save lives. When it comes to voting for Donald Trump, many evangelicals would say, "It's a similar situation. We were--and are--facing existential threats as a nation. Our very liberties are at stake. The lives of innocent babies are at stake. The make-up of the courts for the next 30-40 years is at stake. And on an international level, Christians were--and are--facing potential genocide, especially in the Middle East. Israel could be facing a nuclear Iran. Do you think babies in the womb or persecuted Christians in Syria or Israeli Jews care if Trump can sometimes be a brute? Wake up!"' -- Dr. Michael Brown

OK, imagine this scenario! There are aliens landing soon in Central Park and they are going to eat all the humans they can find but you have to only ray-gun that can kill them! Now can you see why its ok to embrace the epitome of immorality? No? Hmmm. How desperate does Brown have to be to come up with this utterly stupid analogy? Even if we play along, the "existential" threats are merely the carnal opinions of man. It was a 7-2 GOP court that gave us Roe Vs. Wade as settled law and another Republican court affirmed it decades later. Dr. Brown and the church are like Charlie Brown wanting to kick that football of abortion into history but Lucy holds the ball and pulls it back at the last minute because Lucy never intends to eliminate Roe. She only promises you she will. As for Israel, Brown is parroting political talking points devoid of the truth. The actual truth is we had Iran in a deal where we could expect no nuclear development for ten years with inspections and the whole world on our side. Now no one is on our side and Iran is no longer bound to a deal that we walked away from. It is not that Trump can be a brute, as Brown tries to continually downplay the president.

"Others would say, "Those, indeed, are weighty issues, issues of great importance. But what of the fact that we have lost our credibility as Christians by defending Trump at every turn? What of the fact that he has stirred up so much dissension and hatred, turning people away from the Lord? Is it worth it?" These are the questions that everyone must answer, especially those of us who are evangelical followers of Jesus." -- Dr. Michael Brown

This is closer to the real point we should be looking at. Dr, Brown has given you carnal reason after carnal reason to improve in his eyes, our carnal existence in this carnal world. Our responsibility however is not to this world but to the Gospel. So even if Brown's idol accomplishes all of the carnal dreams and goals he has, what was sacrificed to achieve it? what damage has been wrought unto the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Trump has successfully divided the nation and if your "gospel" starts with all democrats cannot consider themselves Christian, then you have tossed them out as well. I have seen such absurdities from pastors! So if I do not endorse the thrice married, twice divorced, genital grabbing curse tweeting liar that is Trump, I have disqualified myself from salvation? Beloved the lost can easily spot that for the hypocrisy it obviously is. Even those in your camp know what you were willing to compromise to defend the president. Why would they believe you as well?

"But to me, there is a simple way forward. If we believe Trump is the best candidate for president after weighing all the pros and cons, we vote accordingly, making clear this is just a vote. Then, by our actions, our words and the overall course of our lives, we show ourselves to be faithful witnesses for Jesus, feeling no need to defend the president at every turn. Can it be done successfully? That's the big question of the hour." -- Dr. Michael Brown

I think this article proves that the answer is a resounding no. at every turn Brown felt compelled to defend Trump and his advocacy for him. He was so desperate that he turned to the Talmud and when that did not assuage the holy spirit conviction he must have been feeling, he made up the silly analogy of snake venom, which is only ironic wen we consider what a snake oil salesman Dr. Brown has become. What he says here however is the way forward. If you pray and believe any candidate is the best and you vote for him or her -- more power to you! But leave it there. Do not go out of your way to defend your carnal vote and consign all other votes to being somehow less "Christian" than yours. Brown asked the big question here and I feel it was asked more of him. Could he really just be satisfied he had voted as he felt led without feeling the need to defend Trump at every turn? Let's see how he did:

Donald Trump The Champion of Religious Freedom.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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