Why Does Separation of Church and State only go one way?
Would Paul be Politically Active if he were an American Citizen Today?
I Lost An Old Friend Because of my Support for Trump.
The Demonization of the Democratic Party.
These are just five of the articles Dr. Brown has written since the ends justify the means piece linked above. It sure does not sound like he was able to just walk away from defending his idol. Mind you, there were probably ten other political articles during this time as well but not about Trump per se. More about the overall NAR dominionist position Brown now champions. Within this same time period how many did he write about Jesus? The Gospel? The cause of Christ? Zero. That is what it looks like to be a gatekeeper and not a minister of the Gospel.
Please remember, this is not an exercise in defending the other side or any side other than Christ. God is far more concerned about our means then our ends. He handles the ends. We need to get away from the politics of this world and anything else that becomes an idol and obscures the only cause we have been truly called to. The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Reverend Anthony Wade -- October 3, 2019