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Devotionals    H3'ed 8/4/23

Grifter Extraordinaire Kris Vallotton Pimps This Year's "School of the Prophets" Scam

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So, he plays two of his favorite cards early here. The first is playing to the ego of people by calling them cowards if they are discerning. The second is the old Paul Crouch/TBN charge of people who are heresy hunters, as if this is disparaging. Paul was a heresy hunter. Peter was a heresy hunter. Jesus was a heresy hunter. The bible demands that we be heresy hunters. Do you know who doesn't like heresy hunters? Heretics. It is true that all end time prophets are not false but the ones who are making merchandise of the gospel to try and church out a million bucks? Yeah, they are.

Of course, there are false prophets, false signs, and wonders, demonic trances, demonic tongues, etc., but the devil most often counterfeits things that are valuable! Nobody ever counterfeited a penny or a dollar bill; it's just too much work for very little impact. I'd propose that the devil has a great strategy to disarm the church - that is to convince her that the weapons of warfare, the very tools she has been given to win the battle against evil, are from the prince of darkness himself. - Kris Vallotton

Another common tool Vallotton relies on is to try and sound reasonable to make his accusers seem unreasonable. The notion however that the devil only counterfeits what is valuable is biblically moronic. The issue is not that the devil counterfeits these things but that the things themselves are demonic. Trances, false signs and wonders and misappropriated spiritual gifts are demonic all by themselves. Satan does not need to counterfeit what is already false. The church is disarmed because false churches preach false gospels. A church that does not preach the gospel, like let's say Bethel, does not have the Holy Spirit to begin with. Try focusing on the gift-giver instead of the gifts themselves. Leave that to the Lord.

What I'm getting at is that you can't separate the gospel from the power of God! Paul put it like this, "In the power of signs and wonders, in the power of the Spirit; so that from Jerusalem and around about as far as Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ." (Romans 15:19)

He brings this point home in 1 Corinthians 4:20, "For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power." If we teach that there are no longer gifts of the Spirit - that prophecy, healing, and deliverance are not for today - and that all spiritual experiences and/or supernatural encounters have passed, is this not reducing the gospel? Isn't it just as dangerous to remove the power of God from the people of God as it is to be deceived? In fact, isn't this, in itself, partnering with deception?- Kris Vallotton

The gospel IS the power of God Kris! You are the one separating these things. The signs and wonders Paul speaks about were not gold dust and glory clouds! Salvation is a supernatural act of God! It is the ultimate sign and wonder! The referenced verse speaks about power and Vallotton automatically correlates it to his notion of spiritual power but this is so far beyond that. It is not about mere words of man but about the words of God. That is the power. Listen, the theological position of cessationism is unbiblical but so is the opposite extreme of false signs and lying wonders. Let us switch now to the July email:

"In today's world, the Church at large has diminished and disregarded the role of prophets and prophetic ministry outside the four walls of the church. It can leave you wondering "Where did all the prophets go?" and questioning the significance of prophetic ministry. It is common in prophetic culture today, for prophets to simply make powerful prophetic proclamations from the podium. But, I'd propose that we have diluted prophetic ministry in the 21st century " the role of a prophet is so much more than making forth-telling statements. We see in the Bible that rarely were prophets confined to church settings or congregations but rather lived outside of the four walls shifting culture and shaping history." - Kris Vallotton

Really? Because I can't walk a block without tripping over one. There is a billion on social media. There are plenty who run their own grifts and scams online like Jennifer LeClaire or James Goll. The reason the real prophets of the Old Testament were not confined to the church building is there were no church buildings! Israel was usually spread out or in many cases in captivity. Notice that Kris does not dismiss the modern prophetic culture of forthtelling, which is a sanitized way of saying soothsaying or fortune telling. He affirms this notion but just thinks they should be doing other heretical things as well. Beloved, the final revealed will of God has been given to us. It is called the bible. If you want a prophetic word, read it. If you want an audible word from God, read it out loud. God did not "forget" something that He now wishes to reveal to us through Kris "Poverty Spirit" Vallotton. Please. For the record, Old Testament prophets did not shift culture or shape history. Most were marginalized and not listened to. Many were killed. Kris only makes this point to continue to play to the readers' vanity. You too can shift culture! Yeah, no, you can't. Especially not by attending a week's worth of trash like this.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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