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Devotionals    H3'ed 9/7/21

More Charismaniacal Nonsense - Teaching How to Speak in Tongues

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It is the will of God for every believer to speak in tongues. First Corinthians 14:2-4 shows us one of the tongues that is your prayer language. For those who say, "This doesn't belong to me," then my question would be, "Does edification belong to you as a Christian?" Of course. So how can you receive this gift of speaking in tongues? - Vladimir Savchuk

What Savchuk does here is how tongues is often presented. He mixes the gift of the Holy Spirit interchangeably with the prayer language. Let us start however with his false foundation. You may want to sit down for this, but it is not God's will that every believer speak in tongues. We already know from the verses regarding the gifts that not everyone gets all the gifts and that they are apportioned as the Spirit wills. Therefore, the notion that it is God's will for everyone to speak in tongues is not supported biblically. Wait a minute preacher, what about the prayer language? What about it? Read that verse from Romans carefully. Is there anything we need to do for this to happen? Absolutely not. The indwelt Holy Spirit will decide when or even if, it is necessary for Him to intercede for us in our prayers. I have made 1Corinthians 14:2-4 the key verses today to show that they do not even mention tongues as our prayer language. In fact, this section is God pleading with us to not pursue tongues as much as prophecy, which is far more edifying for the church. This chapter goes on to insist that your tongues is speaking to God and no one will know what you are saying. Our private prayer language should indeed be private. Savchuk gives up the game here as he admits his five steps are to encourage believers how to falsely speak the gibberish that passes for tongues today and not the private prayer language, which he could not teach either! Man is so arrogant in pretending to be God it is just staggering. The bible specifically says that only the Spirit, which is God, decides what gifts and when but we come along and think we can teach people when to manifest the gift. The bible also says that the spirit decides when He needs to intercede in our prayer life but we think we can teach that too. Man is forever committing the sin of Lucifer. The same sin that Eve committed in the garden. Let us now see these five easy steps to commit blasphemous heresy from Vladimir Savchuk.

"1. You have to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. The Bible says, "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living waters" (John 7:38). It doesn't say these rivers will flow out of the throne of God. Instead, you have this well, "a river of living waters," that wants to be released through your mouth." - Vladimir Savchuk

Vladimir was clearly raised in the apostate church system that prioritizes our decision in receiving Christ. Like Jesus is some wallflower at a Junior High prom hoping you will ask Him to dance. We will put that aside for another devotional because the really egregious statement is the absolute butchering of the term living waters. It is true that John 7:38 states that believers will have rivers of living water, which is Jesus, flowing from their hearts. This of course is through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Nowhere in the John context or other biblical sources does God suggest that the living waters will be released through our mouths. That is patently absurd and biblically offensive.

"2. Relax. In Acts 2:2, it shows us the disciples were not striving, or kneeling and praying they were sitting. Sitting is a relaxed position. Speaking in tongues is the Holy Spirit being released through you. It's about surrendering. Rest in His love for you." - Vladimir Savchuk

Wow, that is some breathtakingly bad bible interpretation. It does indeed use the word sitting in verse 2, even though it says standing in verse 14. Does the presentation of Acts 2 indicate the apostles just lounging around in the love of Christ, resting? What this really is from Savchuk is the influence of Eastern Mysticism on Charismatic leaders. Bethel teaches their false prophets and their worship leaders to empty themselves and allow whatever pops into their wickedly deceitful hearts as having come straight from the throne room of God. This "rest" or emptying actually makes you drop your discernment.

"3. Your choice is involved. The Scripture says, "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to speak" (Acts 2:4). It does not say the Spirit spoke they spoke in tongues. The Lord will not override your free will." - Vladimir Savchuk

This is an interesting twist by Savchuk. Mind you the apostles were not speaking gibberish but rather known earthly languages. Since Peter for example could not speak Persian, it was the Spirit that enabled him to. That is what this verse actually means. It is true however that God will not override our free will. The verses do not indicate possession by the Holy Spirit but rather enablement. So Savchuk is correct even though he took an incorrect path to get there. Oh well, broken clocks and all. That aside, the set up here is transparent. Savchuk is implying that because your free will is required, that the same applies to speaking in tongues. Nonsense. You can want a gift all day long but only the giver decides will you receive it.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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