"4. Your faith is needed. Some people believe something just comes over you and you begin to speak in tongues. That's not the case; it takes faith to trust that God will add meaning to the sounds you release." - Vladimir Savchuk
Meaning? Have you listened to the tongues in your churches? Do they have any meaning at all? Shin-to-ra-ba- ashonday! The point Savchuk is making here is that you need to use your free will to choose to speak in tongues with the faith that God will add meaning to them? Say what? Beloved, this is simply being made up as he goes along. Once again, I do not necessarily blame Vladimir Savchuk as I assume he was taught this garbage. Unfortunately, he saves his worst point for last.
"5. You must remove every fear that the tongues spoken are not from God. Luke 11:13 shows your heavenly Father is not going to give you a stone. He won't fill you with a demonic entity when you ask Him to fill you with the Holy Spirit. Trust in God and in His Scripture." - Vladimir Savchuk
The final step is casting all discernment away. Just assume everything is from God even though the bible promises us that our hearts are wickedly deceitful above all else. It is true that God will not fill you with a demonic spirit but that does not mean you are not dealing with one anyway. Savchuk's direction is dangerous and stupid. Relax, empty your mind, choose to speak in tongues, just start speaking nonsense having faith that the Lord will somehow add meaning to what you speak and never even consider that all of this is not actually from God.
I know this can be a hard lesson for us. I have been there. Something always struck me as off when someone would start elevating their voice to speak something no one could understand. We all stretched out our arms assuming it was from God but it wasn't. While tongues may not be the most straightforward topic in the bible it is not unclear. We have the gift of tongues which are known earthly languages and this gift is only apportioned as the spirit allows. We have an intercession on our behalf during private prayer time by the Holy Spirit but this is described as groanings too deep for words. What we see manifest in churches today is neither of these and should be removed from our services. What Vladimir Savchuk posits here should be anathema to Christians. We cannot teach the gifts of the spirit or how to mimic the intercession of the Holy Ghost. The sin of Lucifer. The sin of Eve. Stop trying to be God. The job is taken.