So without sending her money we all suffer with no foundation and structure for God's blessings and promises in our lives? Seriously? So God has made us promises throughout the Bible that only come to pass if we send Paula White our money? Without doing this we are actually not in alignment with God? Allow me beloved to lead you into a deeper dimension of spiritual truth, absolutely free of charge:
Paula White is lying to you. Go ahead and let that sink in and it will literally transform your life. The unmitigated gall to then turn God into some kind of mafia shylock who is going to kneecap you if you do not pony up His money is simply disgusting. The sad thing is she does not realize the consequences she will face for teaching for shameful gain the things she ought not teach, as our key verses point out. Unfortunately, she is just getting warmed up:
"The word "eighteen" is made up of two letters of the Hebrew alphabet - Chet (--") and Yod (×™"), forming the word "chai", meaning "alive", or "living-- In Hebrew, the related word chaya means "living thing" and is derived from the Hebrew word chai (--×™),meaning "life". We are demanding LIFE to your purpose. And with obedience to this first fruits instruction, which is PUTTING GOD FIRST NOW, your purpose, your year, your prosperity, and your power will have LIFE and be resurrected! In the name of Jesus!" -- Paula White
What????? I will assume whoever told her the translation was correct because it is beyond the point. The huckster now has to make what is unbiblical sound pious and solemn. If you can throw a little Greek or Hebrew in, even better. Let's try to follow the nonsense. Eighteen is made up of two words that when combined somehow form a different word meaning "alive." Then she leaps to a different but related word to arrive at "life." She then proclaims first fruits obedience will result in this "life" in your purpose, year, prosperity and power. Wow. Where do we start? First of all the year is 2018, not 18. Secondly numerology is demonic, not Christian. Next, even if we overlook the word hopscotch she plays how did first fruits get interjected into this stream of thought? It had nothing to do with chai, chaya, yod or chet. Lastly, we have the age old huckster technique of the spiritual onesie. That everyone magically listening to her voice can have all of this. No one in the valley. No one suffering. A one size fits all blessing that is patently absurd.
"The principle of FIRSTFRUITS is all about honoring God by putting Him first IN EVERYTHING. The reason is God lays claim to all firsts. So when you keep for yourself something that belongs to God you are desecrating what is to be consecrated to God. It reminds me of Joshua chapter 7, "But the people of Israel broke faith in regard to the devoted things, for Achan took some of the devoted things. And the anger of the Lord burned against Israel."
Devoted things and First things have the exact same meaning; they are the irrevocable giving over to the Lord. They are the things that belong to God and God alone. Again, honoring God with the principle of FIRST FRUITS will open up something powerful I have seen consistently in my own life and the lives of those around me since I received revelation and was mandated by God to teach it. It releases GENERATIONAL BLESSING, OPPORTUNITY, FAVOR, & SUPERNATURAL BLESSINGS." -- Paula White
One of my great joys is watching hucksters and charlatans try and divide the Word of God because they cannot do it without exposing themselves as frauds. White here tries to leverage the story of the sin of Achan to support her heretical first fruits teaching. Her premise is that the first of everything is God's even though she has provided zero scriptural support for this assertion she continues to make. That by keeping what belongs to God we desecrate what was supposed to be consecrated. After the fall of Jericho, the Lord declared that the spoils of war this time should not be taken by the Israelites. That these items were to considered "devoted." Paula saw this word and ran with it without bothering to see that a better word here would be "accursed." Oops. Yes the spoils of Jericho were to be set apart for the Lord but set apart to be destroyed! Achan did not violate some secret principle of first fruits -- he just got greedy. I am sure Paula can empathize.
"Let's pray: "Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, we are ready for prophetic instruction! Everything we do from this moment on bring us into alignment for 2018 and beyond. Give us ears to hear and eyes to see. By the supreme Blood of Jesus, secure us. Let Your Spirit guide us, Your Word be a light and a map, and our obedience be a sign we are demanding the breakthrough that IS COMING. Amen." For those who have an "ear to hear," there is a powerful revelation. Often, it's not that we are doing something wrong but not doing enough of what is right! This month is the most important of the year to establish what happens to the rest. You have a special opportunity to activate the principle of First Fruits as mandated in the Word of God." -- Paula White