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Devotionals    H3'ed 1/10/18

Paula White and the Principle of Mugging the Sheep -- First Fruits Edition

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If Paula White truly wanted the Word to be her light and map she would start by obeying the key verses today and cease teaching for shameful gain the things she ought not. The arrogance here of demanding breakthroughs from God however is simply staggering. Also here we see this pattern emerge when she pretends she has established first fruits as something mandated by God through His Word when she has done no such thing. She has skirted past a couple of Scripture fragments, out of context and out of her depth to rightly exegete them.

"God declares, "When you come into the land which I give you and reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest" (Leviticus 23:10 NIV). -- This divine establishment of God's order is actually the root, the foundation that governs the rest. "For if the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches" (Romans 11:16 NKJV). The first represents the total. In other words, whatever you do with the first governs what happens to the rest. By presenting all firsts to God during this first month of the year you are establishing His redeeming covenant for it! All firsts belong to God! -- "Honor the LORD with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow-- (Proverbs 3:9--10 NKJV)." -- Paula White

Now this is where many get lost too easily. Yes the Bible does use the term first fruits. In fact, this is one of the seven feasts of Israel recognized to this day. Israel however is not the church. To teach such, is known as "replacement theology." Leviticus is part of the law established for Israel and nailed to the cross by Jesus Christ. Galatians 5 teaches us that if we insist on adhering to any part of the law, we sever ourselves from Christ and will be judged by the entirety of the law. I want us to go a little deeper today though when examining the folly of these arguments made by White and her cronies. The proverbs verse is real. The concept of honoring God with the first fruits within the agrarian society and the Levitical tribe not working was very real. This was partially orchestrated because left to their own selfish devices, the people would not provide their best for the sacrifice and then the Levites would suffer for it. We saw this when Nehemiah went back to Babylon and suddenly the Priests stopped providing the best for the work of the temple. So the people were still tithing correctly but those in charge of distribution were cheating by offering lame animals and subpar sacrifices. Paula White acts as if God does not care what the first fruits are used for. That the principle is the only thing that matters. We see this spiritual laziness constantly in the church today regarding giving. I know many people who think their responsibility is to give their ten percent and then whatever happens is not on them. That is irresponsible nonsense. The Bible teaches us that we are either gathering people to Christ or scattering them away. There is no third option. So then we must as responsible stewards ask ourselves what our money is supporting. Is it supporting the work of gathering or scattering? Paula White does not preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She sells false prosperity, word faith heresy and is notorious for fleecing the flock of God to make herself richer. She is insubordinate to Christ. She is an empty talker and deceiver. The key verses were written about people like Paula White. Even if this false principle were real, God would not want His children supporting wolves like Paula White. Let me wrap up here with some loony-tune bullet point groupings from the remainder of White's teaching:

"First fruits send a signal in the spirit to the future harvest to be released to you!

When you KEEP FIRST THINGS FIRST through faith and obedience, you turn God's promise into provision.

Because He wants to see you succeed, He has put a pattern into place based on the principle of "First Fruits." The Bible references first fruits or first things or devoted things no less than 32 times." -- Paula White

These are the things discerning believers must be wary of. Pious sounding snippets that make no sense when you really think about them and apply the Word. Do you honestly believe that there is a harvest from God that needs a signal in order to be released? That the promises of God must be "turned into" provision? That God would make you jump through some gnostic hoops in order to see you succeed? What kind of a mean capricious god is Paula White selling? I am sure the Bible says the word "orphan" at least 32 times. That does not mean there is a secret orphan principle. Ugh.

"According to Ezekiel 44, when you present your First Fruits offering, it will cause a blessing to rest upon your house!

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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