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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/17/23

Shawn "Smart Phone Prophet" Bolz - Demanding Healing, Usurping God

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"2. 1 John 5:14-15: "Now this is the confidence that I have in Him, that if I ask anything according to His will, He hears me [sickness is not His will]. And if I know that He hears me, whatever I ask, I know that I have the petitions that I have asked of Him." Every time you feel sickness, flu, injury, debilitation in your body ask Him to heal it. Remind your inner man that this is not His will until you confidently believe that. Believe that He is listening and that your ask is important. Before you grab your prescription or go to physical therapy or take that rest"pray! Ask for your healing." - Shawn Bolz

So, is this a rebuke of Bill Johnson who ran to get corrective eyeglasses instead of demanding God heal him? Bill's wife Beni recently passed from cancer - was it her fault? Did she just not remind her inner man that sickness was not God's will? This is absurd and rude theology. While we are at it, let's dispel this garbage about God's will and healing. While the original creation of Adam was designed sickness free, we generally accept that sin brought death and sickness into creation. People got sick throughout the bible! Even people who did the Lord's will! This warped theology is an extension of the NAR dominionist teachings based upon an idolatry of this world.

"3. Proverbs 4:20-22: "I give attention to God's words; I incline my ear to His sayings. I do not let them depart from my eyes; I keep them in the midst of my heart; For they are life, and health to all my flesh." Read the Bible in a way that is actionable. Read stories that inspire you for breakthroughs in your health. Also, think about the things God has promised you or the destiny you feel like you have. When I had a debilitating back injury that could result in a wheelchair, I reminded God that I had a call to go to nations that didn't have handicap ramps to minister. I gave attention to the prophetic words and the sense of calling I had for His sake. I appealed to Him to heal me. These words became the foundation of my faith to receive His healing." - Shawn Bolz

Sigh. How does anyone follow someone so badly learned in scripture? As a general rule, proverbs are lumped together. Proverbs 4, has nothing to do with healing and everything to do with following a righteous way as opposed to wickedness. When scripture says that the words of God are life, it is because we are saved through them. Romans teaches us that only the preached gospel has the power of God unto the salvation of man. His words are health to our flesh because through Him we can resist the power of Satan and sin! Once again, when you idolize this world you miss the awesome true power of scripture. Look at the ridiculousness of Bolz' own testimony. God had to be reminded that He had called him? Really? With all the money Bethel has would it be so impossible to minster to the nations in a wheelchair? In the end he tries to make himself indispensable to the creator of the entire universe. The calling was for His sake, so Shawn just had to remind Him who was boss, got it.

"4. Isaiah 54:17: "No weapon [sickness is a weapon of the enemy] formed against me shall prosper... This is my heritage as a servant of the Lord..." Recognizing this sickness is not God's will. It is a thief to your purpose, relationships, creativity, and life. It keeps you from being fully present with what God has for you. When you recognize it as a battle against God's will in your life you can pray against it and claim that it will not prosper. Yes sometimes we suffer, but sometimes we allow the suffering out of a false mentality that God wants this for us, but it is HIS enemy not just ours. Jesus came to bring you life, health, and wholeness. Nothing that is part of the fall is His desire for you." - Shawn Bolz

The passage from Isaiah was written to the remnant in Babylon and showed the promise of the Lord that when they would rebuild Jerusalem, that no weapon formed against them would succeed. It is appropriate however to apply this to believers today but once again Shawn misses the point. This is meant to build our faith in God. No matter what comes against us, the shield of what? Faith - extinguishes all fiery arrows from the enemy. You can pretend to name it and claim it all day long but when God wants you home, He will take you home. Look however at how evil Shawn's theology truly is. Sometimes we allow the suffering in our lives out of a false mentality? How despicable does he make God out to be? That a believer would be suffering to the point of death, with God ready and willing to heal them, only to let them die because they did not say some magic set of words or claim something that robs God of His sovereignty. Disgusting. Pray? Absolutely and without ceasing. Have hands laid on you? Absolutely, and consistent with scripture. At the end of the day though God remains God and He is sovereign. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. What an evil teaching from Bolz and Bethel.

"5. Deuteronomy 3:22: I do not fear...for the Lord my God Himself fights for me." If you are afraid, tired and weary, no longer in faith that it will change, tell Him! Let Him fight for you but don't be passive in your heart. Don't accept this as His fate for you. Be honest with Him and don't let people put guilt and shame on you for not being healed. At the same time acknowledge He can do it! That He wants to do it! That He has done it for others in the world! That you are a worthy candidate! Then wait on Him." - Shawn Bolz

This was as close as Shawn would get to the truth. If we are down, depressed, tired and weary we should turn to God! We should be strengthened by Him! We should be assured by Him! We should take refuge in the fact that He will fight for us. Then Shawn goes off his dominionist rails again. Don't be passive with God? Don't accept your condition as your fate? Who the heck do you think you are Shawn that you can dictate to the Almighty? Beloved, pray, entreat God. Petition the Lord but we must be just as accepting to the answer of "no" otherwise we are praying our will be done, not His. The healing God has provided for the world is salvation. That deals with eternal life. Shawn Bolz worships this life and that is why he fights so hard to force God to keep him alive. His theology is that of a petulant child, stamping his feet and demanding his parents give him what he wants. Like any good parent, God sometimes answers no and one last time, will mean we stand before Him for judgment. Shawn should think about that the next time he wants to tell the creator of everything what He "must" do.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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