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Devotionals    H3'ed 3/5/22

Go Ahead and Hate Your Neighbor! - Annual NAR Dominionist Leadership Roundtable

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"6. It's time for all of us to fight for our freedoms! Radical progressives are aggressively trying to take away our constitutional, God-given rights, and we must remember that these rights come from God, not from government. Patriots are exposing and confronting Black Lives Matter Marxists and LGBTQ activists in schools (in Leftist San Francisco, parents ousted three school board members); in Tennessee, our Christian governor is putting Hillsdale College Judeo-Christian civics curriculum in all our K-12 schools (as well as in 50 new charter schools); Roundtable participant Janet Porter, who pioneered "Heartbeat Bills" saving millions of babies, is running for Congress in Ohio; and former Prison Fellowship director Garland Hunt's son Jeremy is doing the same in Georgia. No more passive pastors and people submitting to the "fear of man," afraid to address same-sex marriage, socialism and the sanctity of life!" - Larry Tomczak

So we are led to believe that the vision God has for this world is the GOP platform. That people who do not think they should be killed by law enforcement should be reviled by Christians. That our beliefs should be rammed down the throat of the unbeliever, either by force or legislation. The modern-day crusades if you will. The Great Commission was not given as a mandate of force. When Paul was met with resistance to the gospel message he brushed off the dirt on his sandals and went on to the next town so that all might hear the gospel. This article is not about the gospel beloved. It has virtually nothing to do with it. The rewrite of American history is not lost on me as I used to teach US History and Government. Somehow, I imagine their version of a Judeo-Christian curriculum might suspiciously omit slavery and the genocide of the Native Americans. Yet another reason why Millennials see right through them. Due to social media, Millennials have the truth of history or any other matter at their fingertips. They are able to see and rewatch the murder of George Floyd and then are left wondering how people like Larry Tomczak can say Jesus is against his life mattering

"7. Barna research uncovered almost half of Millennials support socialism over capitalism as Marxism is also deceiving millions. Senior prophetic leader Rick Joyner shared from his latest book, Marxism's Strategy for Destroying America, how this insidious system has murdered more than 100 million of its own citizens to purge potential nonconformists in the 20th century alone. We must root out this anti-God ideology propagandized by Black Lives Matter and Leftist professors to see it vanquished from our land." - Larry Tomczak

I am not here to defend Marxism because that is hardly the point. Tomczak and his cronies see the Barna poll and react that they must somehow destroy Socialism as opposed to looking at the poll and asking the correct question. Why? Why is it that so many Millennials would have given up on the system of government that they currently reside in? Why would they turn to alternate theories? It never occurs to those who already rule in the ruling class that their preferred government might not feel as good for those who go without. Instead of asking the difficult questions that could lead to real change, Tomczak tries to make it a God issue. As if God is now the author of Capitalism. That is about as true as Black Lives Matter espousing Marxism, which they do not.

"8. While we love and pray for the Chinese people, we must expose the totalitarian Chinese Communist government, which has carried out under Chairman Mao's Cultural Revolution the deportation and destruction of millions. They're preparing to take over Taiwan (having seen Biden's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan). As corporations and celebrities sell their souls, putting profit over principle, patriotic and freedom-loving Americans must speak out against massive human rights abuses in China, along with the persecution of Christians, Buddhists and other faith groups as the Chinese Communist Party conducts the genocide of a million Muslims.

Here's the deal: We concluded our roundtable with an extended Spirit-led time of intercessory prayer and some prophetic words. As watchmen on the wall, we must take seriously what's happening in our day and recognize a second American Revolution may be at hand. We must get our house in order as we are "looking for and hastening" (2 Pet. 3:12a, NKJV) the coming of our conquering King!" - Larry Tomczak

This bizarre ending only concludes what was a bizarre article to begin with. The spirit that is leading them is most definitely not the Holy Spirit of God. The biblical view of watchmen on the wall has to do with preaching the gospel to the lost. Tomczak has trafficked in the opposite message here. He has made enemies of the very people who need the gospel the most. God says preach the gospel to the leftist, radical, BLM, Marxist and Tomczak not only says no, but tries to tell Christians to hate them. That we have to hate and destroy those Chinese Communist, progressive, anti-freedom convoy, have I mentioned recently that Joe Biden is weak? Then to almost gleefully consider that we might be upon a second American Revolution? Go ahead and hate your neighbors! What treasonous anti-American doctrine is Tomczak spewing now? That losing an election means you must revolt? What happened to Romans 13? What happened to God raises all leaders up? What happened to God is always on the throne? Beloved, if you ever thought the NAR and dominionism is not dangerous please reread this article from one of their top generals. He has tried to rouse Christians against every single political enemy of the Republican Party and tried to sell the notion of the overthrow of our own government. And he claims these directives came from God after meeting with his heretical compatriots. You can be Republican and Christian and still believe in the power of the gospel. How weak is the false god you serve that one election throws everything you claim to have faith in into a twisted tizzy? That you are left to fear mongering and lies in the name of Christ? Mark them beloved. Mark them and avoid their poison well.

Reverend Anthony Wade - March 5, 2022

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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