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Kris Vallotton -- Selling Out Christ for a Fistful of Twenties

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4. Poverty fears the future, while wealth makes history.

The slander of the poor just will not stop. Does Kris Vallotton even own a Bible? The widow's mite teaches the opposite of this. She gave out of her lack without fear of the future. The wealthy gave out of their abundance but there was no sacrifice. To Kris Vallotton, only the rich can make history. What utter heretical garbage. Jesus Christ had nowhere to lay His head yet I am pretty sure He changed the world. What about the 12 apostles? There was no wealth or wealth mindset. John the Baptist? Did he say that he must increase in order for Christ to increase? No beloved. He must decrease.

5. Poverty blames others for their condition, while wealth takes responsibility for things that aren't their fault.

Wealth takes responsibility for things that aren't their fault? Sure and then we can all go back to gumdrop lane and dance with the unicorns. This is complete fantasy on Vallotton's part and it is transparent. The truth is that Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent and man has been passing the buck ever since. Once again though we see this arrogant overreach and lumping of everyone into the same category based solely on money.

6. Poverty asks, "What are you going to do for me?" Wealth asks, "Who is worthy of my investment?"

This is really starting to smell political. All of those entitlement seeking poor folks asking what will you do for me! Perhaps more disturbing is the unbelievably unchristian question he believes wealth asks. Who is worthy of my investment? Is this what Kris Vallotton has learned from the sacrifice of Calvary? Who is worthy of my investment? Thank goodness God did not ask this question! As Christians everyone is worthy of our investment! All of heaven rejoices when one sinner repents! Jesus will leave the 99 to pursue to one lost sheep! Who is worthy of my investment? What an arrogant question.

7. Poverty hangs around with other disgruntled people who validate their accusations. Wealthy people surround themselves with other powerful influencers.

Yes. You remember the great parable of the enablers and powerful influencers? No? That must be because you actually read your Bible. The truly sad thing beloved is Kris Vallotton only sees people's value and ability as related to money and wealth. If you have money then you can influence people. If you are poor you must be seeking out people to enable your poverty. This blame the victim scapegoating is very common in the political arena.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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