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Kris Vallotton -- Selling Out Christ for a Fistful of Twenties

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8. Poverty votes for candidates that increase their entitlements. Wealth elects officials who will sacrifice today's comfort for tomorrow's children.

So we come to it! It is bad enough that Kris Vallotton penned this exceptionally carnal article where he demonized poor people and glorified the wealthy. On top of that he drags politics into it and in doing so makes it abundantly clear that his master is political in nature. Yes, poor people vote for people who will increase their entitlements. In NYC the maximum monetary award for public assistance is under 90 bucks every two weeks. A single individual's monthly food stamp budget is less than $200. Yeah they just have a poverty mindset Kris! They shouldn't be voting for the candidate who at least is going to try and bring them out of abject poverty. This has now crossed over into the realm of sickening. If you honestly think that wealthy people elect officials who want to sacrifice today's comforts for tomorrow's children then you are delusional. They are all evil beloved. The Bible tells us so in Romans 3. All have turned from God! Stop trying to make the rich out to be benevolent, sacrificial, and compassionate while the poor are all dogs who only want to roll around in their poverty. It would be bad enough making these arguments in the Op-Ed section of a newspaper let alone coming from someone claiming to be a pastor. Thank God Vallotton wraps this tripe up:

"Today I want to encourage you to take an honest look at this list and see where you land. I know that God wants to encounter you in the way you think about his abundant provision in your life! Invite Him in to speak to you about the ways He wants to pour out His resources in your life. As it says in Romans 12:2, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will." I believe God wants to transform the way you think about this topic! Do you struggle with a poverty mentality? How do you overcome it? I'd love to hear in the comments!" -- Kris Vallotton

Is God my cosmic loan shark now? This is just obscene and the final obscenity is the complete butchering of Romans 12: 2. Read the context Kris! Are you serious! This section of Scripture is about our humble service to the body of Christ -- not a Tony Robbins how to get rich seminar! This entire article from Vallotton proudly displayed and embraced the pattern of this world! Value determined by wealth. The poor get what they deserve. The rich are somehow better. Vallotton even wrapped it up with a political rationale bow in case there were any doubters. This article displays brilliantly a mind that has not been renewed. Not one iota. The Bible does not speak of having a poverty mentality. Only such rubbish can be dreamt up in the wicked hearts of man. It does speak about having a wealth mindset however and how difficult it will be for such a man to even enter the kingdom of heaven. It speaks about how Kris Vallotton and all of us cannot serve two masters. Judas sold out our Lord and Savior for thirty pieces of silver; Kris Vallotton for a fistful of twenties.

Our key verse teaches us very plainly that the choice is between a good name or great riches. It is clear Kris Vallotton has chosen poorly. Pray that he has a Saul of Tarsus moment and repents while there is still time. He will not be taking his fancy sports car with him when he faces Christ. He will however take every word written here and will answer for all of them.

Reverend Anthony Wade -- May 2, 2017

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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