"Cahn casts Hillary Clinton as Jezebel - an infamous worshipper of false idols and Donald Trump as the avenger Jehu, who ultimately had Jezebel thrown out a window to her death." - Rolling Stone
"Instead of dismissing these things Rolling Stone, you may want to check them out. Jehu, the prototype of Trump, rose to power, made an alliance with the religious conservatives of his land, took on a religious conservative as his partner in his race to the throne, and then came to a showdown with his political opponent, who happened to be the nation's former first lady." - Jonathan Cahn
I was going to skip this silly reference, but it allows an opportunity to really peel back the con he is selling and how he does it. Cahn likes to take snippets of biblical truth and stretch them beyond the scripture to make inferences today that are simply unsupported. Because the NAR idolizes Donald Trump and abhors Hillary Clinton, Cahn tries to smear Clinton while exalting Trump and he chooses the story of Jehu and Jezebel to do it. He knows full well the church has been taught of the great evils of Jezebel and how her "spirit" is one we have to war against so what better figure to paint Hillary as. Jehu is seen as the avenging soul who disposed of the evil queen - perfect for 2016! Except it ignores the rest of the story and the entire context. In order for this stupidity to be true, Bill Clinton would now be King Ahab? Fred Trump, the father of Donald, would have to be King Jehoshaphat? Cahn leaves out the best part of course which is that God orchestrated the usage of Jehu in the elimination of Jezebel. Jehu was not running for election to the throne. Scripture says God instructed Elijah to anoint Jehu King of Israel. So is he suggesting that God dispatched Donald Trump to defeat the evil Queen Hillary? Why wouldn't he have made it a landslide? Why would he have his avenger lose the popular vote by three million votes? Why did God then make his glorious avenger lose four years later by seven million votes? Why would the Lord's Jehu be facing 96 charges and four criminal indictments? As well as the overall point that Jehu and Jezebel have absolutely nothing to do with America. It seems Rolling Stone was pretty spot on here as well. The rest of the video is just more of the same tripe. Cahn goes overboard defending himself and trying to lay all of the criticisms at the feet of Christians to try and outrage them. I will just choose one last Cahn quote to sum up this con:
"The bible says in the last days believers will be persecuted. You want to see how this comes? This is how that comes. You see, those who are behind this article see you, who simply believe in the bible as dangerous. They label you Christian nationalist or right wing Christian extremist and say you are trying to take over America. The ultimate direction of a true Christian is not to the right or left. It's up. But if the right or the left should support biblical values, good, we will go along in as much and for as long as it does. But our ultimate direction is heavenward. The left has moved to an anti-Christian or anti biblical worldview. While the right has increasingly moved towards a biblical or Christian view. Now there are extremists on both sides, and we oppose any form of hatred. But now the extremists have become the mainstream left and the fact that they see you, who simply hold to biblical values, as right-wing extremists only reveals how radical and left-wing extremist they have become." - Jonathan Cahn
I have said this before and will continue to. There is real persecution in this world of Christians. Chinese Christians hide underground to avoid arrest. Middle Eastern Christians face beheading for refusal to denounce Jesus. That is real persecution. Having an article written that correctly quotes you but dares to use the word shtick? Yeah, that aint persecution Johnny. But the NAR wants to sell Christian victimhood. They want them to feel oppressed and aggrieved just because other people may not share their beliefs. Rolling Stone does not believe that the bible is dangerous unless it is wielded by unscrupulous men like Jonathan Cahn. The Rabbi gives away the game here though when he says that if the right or the left support biblical values, they will go along with it. The problem is which biblical values? The number one topic in the bible after salvation is not life or homosexuality. It is taking care of the neediest in society. There is no question that is a trait of the political left in this country and not part of the Republican platform whatsoever. You see, the NAR has aligned with the far right because of two wedge issues and they con the church into thinking those are the only two things God cares about. The right has not moved towards biblical values. They have aligned on two issues and two issues alone, solely for political expediency. The truth is neither party cares a whit about the cause of Christ but one pretends to and that is good enough for weak men like Jonathan Cahn. He closes by accusing Rolling Stone of not attacking his words but the words of Jesus. No, Rabbi Con. No. You cited scripture from Jesus, but you used them to infer that the Hamas attacks were just part of a 2000-year old prophecy. Jesus didn't say that, YOU did. All Rolling Stone appears to have done is correctly cite you for it and that was enough for you to waste so much energy and time kicking and screaming into the air that someone hurt your fee-fee. Suck it up buttercup. Put on your big boy prayer shawl and get back out there fleecing God's flock with harbinger tales of hidden mysteries that only exist in the deepest recesses of your wickedly deceitful heart.
Reverend Anthony Wade - November 9, 2023