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Introducing Charisma News Latest NAR Dominionist Shill Bunni Pounds

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So when they had come together, they asked him, "Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?" He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." - Acts 1:6-8 (ESV)

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It seems Charisma News has rolled out a new dominionist political shill, just in time for election season. This time it is a woman; I assume to try and leverage those suburban moms who quite rightly have decided to never vote For Donald Trump again. Unfortunately, the rest of the apostate church system is gearing up to once again support the least moral man to ever run for president. Why? Because the Republican Party says so and tells their compromised cult of personality pastors to preach the same. They realize without the evangelical vote, they cannot elect someone like Donal Trump. They also fear that since the overturn of Roe, they have precious little to scare evangelicals with to force them to the polls. So, enter Bunni Pounds. Yes, I know, I did not name her. It seems Ms. Pounds used to work for a congressional representative in Texas and when that man retired, she ran for his seat. Even though she lost in the primary, she became reborn as a political hack for Jesus. She created one of those horrible fake "Christian voting" organizations designed to pretend to care about the word of God while convincing Christians to only vote Republican. This past month Pounds came out of nowhere seemingly to become the number one political writer for the fake Christian leader, Steven Strang. Steven has been otherwise occupied recently declaring his buddy Mike Bickle as exonerated even though he now has a second accuser, who dates his abuse back to when she was only 14 years of age. So, Pounds has taken up the slack. There was plenty of articles to choose from. In a different piece she actually gave the NAR game away with this nugget:

"In a world fractured by politics, we are called to be agents of reconciliation, bridging divides through prayer and compassion. This requires a shift in perspective"a recognition that our ultimate allegiance is to God's kingdom, not to any political ideology or party affiliation. By aligning ourselves with the values of the upside-down kingdom, where love triumphs over hostility, we can participate in bringing about God's reign here on earth." - Bunni Pounds

While that sounds pious what she advocates for is the same as all NAR agents - vote Republican. Only the GOP is considered to have votable candidates for Christians according to this warped theology. That is the shift in perspective. To throw out our brain and only vote as we are told. She is not as bat-bleep crazy as Mario Murillo or Greg Locke, who say anyone voting Democratic is going to hell, but it is the same line of thinking. The game however that she gives away is the original dominionist NAR teaching, which says we do these things so that we might bring about the second coming of Christ. That is the code speak here when she says bringing about God's reign on earth. We are not charged with any such thing in scripture. God does not need our help to bring about what He wants. He has asked us to spread the gospel, not create a theocracy where we force unbelievers to try and behave better. That saves no one. With this as the backdrop, let us quickly move through the above linked article and reason once more together.

"In the wake of Jesus' resurrection, a resounding mandate echoed: "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). This charge, devoid of exemptions, applies even to those grappling with doubt. Jesus empowered believers and skeptics alike, emphasizing that their strength was not self-derived but rooted in His sovereignty. The disciples, marked by moments of weakness and doubt, were entrusted with a seemingly insurmountable task. Yet, it was precisely in their weakness that Jesus' authority shone forth. Despite doubts, denials and hiding, the disciples' power to make disciples came not from themselves but from their obedience to the One with all authority. The early church exemplified this empowerment, spreading the message of Jesus' resurrection with unwavering conviction. Their obedience stemmed from a recognition that changing the world was not solely their responsibility but a partnership with the power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In Acts 1:8, Jesus assured them that, with the Holy Spirit, they would bear witness to the ends of the earth." - Bunni Pounds

Pounds tries to leverage Matthew 28:19 but fails to understand it because she is trying to use it to fit her narrative. One cannot be "discipled" unless they first believe. They cannot believe unless they are supernaturally drawn by the power of the Holy Spirit in response to the preaching of the gospel. If you go to her website, there is none of this. Sure, there is lip service to Jesus and His love but the marching orders at the end of the day are entirely carnal in nature. The problem that dominionists face is many-fold. One big problem is they are trying to save the culture instead of saving the lost out of the culture. This is the ever elusive "revival" they are always seeking but never finding. Why? Because God never promised us an end times revival but rather an end times apostasy, of which the NAR is leading the way. A second problem, among many, is that their proposed solutions are always voting for carnal politicians no better than the ones they openly revile. They confer righteousness onto these people and nine times of out of ten, lead Christians to defend their evil choice. God does not care one whit about our politics or whom we have deemed to be the lesser of two evils. Dominionists think that Jesus will be reviewing our voting record which is absurd to the point of stupidity. Like we are going to get there and Jesus will be like, "sure, I'd love to let you in. You had saving faith, believed in the power of the blood, and tried to lead your life in a sober and Christlike manner, but c'mon, Clinton in 96?" Beloved, it just does not work like that.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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