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Pimping Prosperity Under the Guise of Wanting to "Bless People"

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In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. - Matthew 5:16 (ESV)

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It has taken me a couple of months to get around to this devotional regarding the above linked article defending the tenets of the prosperity gospel. It was written by Jim Baker, no not that one, who claims this as one of his areas of theological concentration along with bad teaching about healing. His arguments are not new. The bless me club always argues that they only desire money to help other people! I swear, wink wink. I remember when someone was defending Creflo Dollar because he gave away thousands of dollars in school backpacks in the Bronx one year. So, the guy who fleeced the flock for 30 million gave back five grand and we think that math adds up? It does not. Neither does a faux theology of wanting to help other people if only God would make me rich. Let us reason once more together.

"What if anytime there was a need that came across your path, and your heart was moved to meet that need, you had a stream of income to meet it? According to 2 Corinthians 9:8 (chapters 8 and 9 are two whole chapters talking about finances and giving), "God is able to make all grace abound to you so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times you would abound in every good work." That is a lot of alls. I just want you to know that anytime something is called "grace" it means it's paid for on the cross. If 2 Corinthians 9:8 isn't true, then John 3:16 is not true." - Jim Baker

Only the depraved heart can change verses designed to make people be more giving of their money into verses designed to want more money. Notice his caveat is if your heart is moved to meet the need! So basically, the idea is we ask God to make us wealthy and then we decide how much of that wealth will be spent on what we deem worthy? With the heart being the most deceitfully wicked thing ever created? Gee, what could possibly go wrong? Someone once asked me why God did not let them win the lottery and my answer was because He knows what would happen. So 2Corinthians 9:8 is certainly true, but it does not lend itself to greedy prayers of avarice laced dreams, oh to help people of course.

"Prosperity is not selfish because it's not all about you. Prosperity is primarily defined by how much you give away, not how much you keep for yourself. Prosperity is about blessing not possessing. Could we just flip this thing on its head? Actually, it's selfish for you not to desire prosperity. When God only provides for your needs, the world will lack a revelation of an abundant Father. People are never going to know what Dad's like." - Jim Baker

If you feel compelled to defend why something you are advocating for is not selfish, chances are it's selfish. You can create all the catchy catch phrases you want Jim. No one defines prosperity this way and you know it. Note the absolute wickedness here. The world does not need a revelation of God as abundant in riches but rather in grace and mercy. They need a revelation of the Savior, not a savings bank. How does a God who provides for our needs not show the world and abundant, loving, provisional Father? People are never going to know what Dad is like unless I am rich? First of all stop humanizing the almighty God. Second, our lives should reflect God, not our 401K. This view is so carnal and worldly.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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