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Devotionals    H3'ed 8/2/19

"The Call to Glory is the Mantle of Proximity" - Ryan Lestrange or Cheech Marin?

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And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs. -- Mark 16:20 (ESV)

I am the Lord; that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to carved idols. -- Isaiah 42:8 (ESV)

Ryan Lestrange is crazy. In psychological terms, he is a loon. The problem is that he markets himself as a prophet of God and is leading far too many gullible people away from God through his gobbledygook of pious sounding sci-fi and occasional bible mangling. The link above is to his latest incoherent rant about the glory and miracle realms so fasten your seatbelts and I promise you that I added nothing to his word because I don't need to. Even though Ryan's own words are best for depicting him as the fool he is, I did have to skip some of this long, twisted article for the sake of time. Besides, you can only say, "that's ridiculous" so often.

"The Bible's most breathtaking miracles were often the result of another realm being manifested in the earth. Those who represent the kingdom of God act in an official capacity as fully authorized ambassadors of the King in all His glory. Wherever they go, a supernatural zone of power and glory transforms the space around them. Jesus had fully commissioned the burgeoning New Testament church with the weight of the kingdom. His followers went about demonstrating the power of the kingdom (Mark 16:20). When they did so, they were functioning from a higher dimension. A dimension is not a time but a space and location. Our life on earth is marked and measured by times and seasons. God provides insight and wisdom concerning the prophetic season we are in. Rightly discerning the times is a prophetic gift, but a dimension is something altogether different. It is a space, a place and a location. When we were born again, we were born not into a season but into a dimension. The Bible speaks of the kingdom as a realm, a place, a reality, not as a time. In John 3:5, Jesus says, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." In this verse, "entry" does not refer to a time or a season but a place. Through the gateway of salvation, we move into the space of the kingdom. As we come into proper understanding of the weight and reality of the kingdom, we are able to subdue the forces of hell at work in the earth realm." -- Ryan Lestrange

It seems Ryan has left the earth realm a very long time ago. I do not believe he will be returning. It is almost embarrassing that I have to point these things out, but realms are not manifested when miracles occurred. Jesus operates in all realms and realties beloved. There is no supernatural zone of power and glory surrounding those that represent the kingdom of God. There is supposed to be a supernatural display of humility and peace, but not personal power and glory. I made Mark 16:20 the first key verse to show how Ryan loves to mangle the word of God. Does this verse say that the followers displayed the power of the kingdom and thus it must be in a higher dimension? No beloved -- God performed the supernatural to confirm their spoken word of truth. There is no such thing as a "prophetic season" just like when we are born again we are not born into a new dimension. Ryan Lestrange has left this dimension a long, long time ago.

"The Glory Realm. Glory is the atmosphere (the space) around the throne. The call to glory is a mantle of proximity. Walking in glory requires abundant revelation of the nearness of God. I love the glory realm! The sweet incense of intimacy is experienced in the glory realm. The fragrance of God's presence is manifest in the glory realm. Angels dwell in the glory realm. Unusual, shocking things take place in the glory realm. Authentic glory does not just give you an unusual experience; it brings unusual freedom to your life. Psalm 105:37-45 is one of my favorite glory passages in the Bible. God led His kids out of slavery and bondage with a cloud and fire. This realm of authentic glory brings forth uncommon deliverance. As the glory of God enters a space, demonic bondages fall like a stack of dominoes. This is the picture of what God does in the glory realm. In the glory realm, they were led out! There are people rising in the glory realm who will follow the cloud and fire to bring their generation out of bondage, disease, fear and darkness, and into the glory of God." -- Ryan Lestrange

Yes beloved, there are many people who take this man seriously. Glory is not the atmosphere around the throne -- he made that up. The call to glory being a mantle of proximity was so bizarre I made it the title of this devotional. Walking in the glory requires abundant revelation of the nearness of God? The connections he then makes between his made-up glory realm and the Exodus is barely coherent. Apparently, he was not done basking in the false glory:

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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