
# Date Link
#1 7/26/2024 Charisma News Pulls an Andy Stanley and Rejects the Inerrancy of Scripture (Anthony Wade) Charisma News refuses to look in the mirror and instead blames the bible for losing this generation...1 1 Comment Count
#2 7/25/2024 Charisma News - Mocking God with False Apocalyptic Prophecies to Sell Books (Anthony Wade) This bizarre article on Charisma highlights there is nothing too absurd for them to publish...1 1 Comment Count
#3 7/24/2024 Perry Stone & Mario Murillo Continue the Charisma News Pimping for Trump (Anthony Wade) Charisma is now pumping out article after article demanding you vote for their political not fall for it2 2 Comment Count
#4 7/23/2024 Dr. Michael Brown's Own Unequal Weights on Display with Faux Biden Prayer (Anthony Wade) Dr. Brown's favorite defense mechanism is showing again...projection1 1 Comment Count
#5 7/22/2024 Charisma News Starts the NAR Onslaught at the Behest of their Political Masters (Anthony Wade) Failed Congressional candidate and NAR operative says God told her to run even though she scored 5% of the vote...1 1 Comment Count
#6 7/20/2024 Dr. Michael Brown's Faustian NAR Bargain & the Convenience of Bad Theology (Anthony Wade) Dr. Brown is now defending the unbiblical notion that God saved Trump while not caring about Corey Compertore...1 1 Comment Count
#7 7/19/2024 Dr. Brown's Proximity Fallacy of Defending Wolves with "I Know Their Heart" (Anthony Wade) Examining one of the specious arguments people like Dr. Brown use when defending false teachers...1 1 Comment Count
#8 7/18/2024 Dr. Michael Brown's Roundtable Closing Argument Reveals His NAR Disingenuousness (Anthony Wade) Discernment divides because it challenges unbiblical beliefs and the bible always divides...4 4 Comment Count
#9 7/17/2024 Fellow Grifting False Prophets LeClaire and Weaver Unite to Disparage the Competition (Anthony Wade) Frim the files of you gotta be kidding me, Weaver and LeClaire speak out against false prophets...1 1 Comment Count
#10 7/16/2024 Analysis of Second American Gospel Roundtable with Dr. Michael Brown Regarding NAR (Anthony Wade) At long last the second Dr. Brown round table from American Gospel has been released...1 1 Comment Count
#11 7/14/2024 Once Saved Always Saved and the Recent Pastoral Failings of Bickle and Morris (Anthony Wade) Wading into the dangerous waters of the OSAS debate...1 1 Comment Count
#12 7/11/2024 Getting to the Core Disagreement between Dr. Michael Brown and Discernment Ministries (Anthony Wade) Every two weeks it seems Dr. Brown revisits why he will not respond to critics...conviction anyone?1 1 Comment Count
#13 7/9/2024 It May Be Difficult, but Admitting You Were Spiritually Duped at IHOP Is Best (Anthony Wade) It's official, former IHOPKC leadership is trying to pretend nothing ever happened and just reopen under a different name...1 1 Comment Count
#14 7/5/2024 NAR and Charisma News Continues to Whitewash Historical Racism (Anthony Wade) Enough gaslighting about the clear facts within our history. It does not serve Christ to deceive...1 1 Comment Count
#15 7/2/2024 Dr. Michael Brown's NAR Salad Bar Theology of Christ and Politics (Anthony Wade) Dr. Brown is again trying to float about the clouds as if he is not a naked political hack...1 1 Comment Count
#16 7/2/2024 Tone Deaf 100 Million Dollar Man Osteen Tweet-Trolls the Poor (Anthony Wade) Brief comments on the Osteen kerfuffle from today's Tweet...1 1 Comment Count
#17 6/28/2024 The Charismatic Leadership Machine Starts the Smear of Robert Morris' Victim (Anthony Wade) Today a shadowy alleged revelation says Morris' victim asked for 2 million dollars. So what?1 1 Comment Count
#18 6/27/2024 False Prophets Cosplaying as Elders Denounce Bickle, Morris and Scandals (Anthony Wade) Taking a look at a recent statement on sin from a bunch of wildly false prophets...1 1 Comment Count
#19 6/26/2024 Emails from 2005 Reveal the True Evil of Robert Morris Towards His Victim (Anthony Wade) Newly obtained emails from Robert Morris reveal how he tried to bully and manipulate his victim...1 1 Comment Count
#20 6/25/2024 Heretical Cage Match Between Rick Warren and Dr Brown Over Robert Morris (Anthony Wade) In the wake of Robert Morris stepping down we see opposing viewpoints from two false teaching heavyweights...1 1 Comment Count
#21 6/21/2024 Master Grifter Kris Vallotton Selling the Usurpation of God's Power and Glory (Anthony Wade) Hide your wallets! Grifter Vallotton is back for your money!1 1 Comment Count
#22 6/20/2024 Dr. Brown Gaslights Critics After Robert Morris Revealed Sexually Assaulting a 12-Year-Old (Anthony Wade) Dr. Brown is at it again, gaslighting and spiritually threatening anyone who would speak honestly about Robert Morris...1 1 Comment Count
#23 6/18/2024 Update On the Latest Child Predator Pastor - Robert Morris Resigns from Gateway (Anthony Wade) More news from the Robert Morris abuse story. He has now resigned. Praise God.1 1 Comment Count
#24 6/16/2024 Robert Morris Child Molestation Skeleton Emerges from His Closeted Past (Anthony Wade) Another pastor is ready to fall from grace, but not without the industry trying to save him...1 1 Comment Count
#25 6/15/2024 For Those Who Follow These Ministry Efforts (Anthony Wade) A personal message to those who follow this ministry...1 1 Comment Count
#26 6/15/2024 The NAR Whispers in the Ears of Women - Surely God did not Say You Can't Have Authority (Anthony Wade) Eddie Hyatt is back again to devalue women by telling them the church is holding them back...1 1 Comment Count
#27 6/9/2024 When Carnal Politics Blind NAR Apostate Church Leaders (Anthony Wade) Shane Idleman is at it again. Creating excuses for why God "allowed" Trump's 34 felony convictions...1 1 Comment Count
#28 6/7/2024 Carl Lentz to God - "I Don't Identify as a Disgraced Former Pastor" (Anthony Wade) Carl Lentz next step on his comeback tour starts by playing word salad and denying God's word...1 1 Comment Count
#29 6/4/2024 NAR Dominionist COVID Lies Persist - Christians Need to Stop Being Stupid (Anthony Wade) Charisma News continues to assault reason, science and Christ when it comes to COVID...1 1 Comment Count
#30 6/3/2024 After 34 Felony Convictions the NAR Faustian Bargain Persists - Judges for Your Soul (Anthony Wade) Stop wrapping Christ around something so seedy and sinful...1 1 Comment Count

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