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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/19/22

NAR Dominionist Claims God Rose up Tinpot Dictators and the Freedom Truckers

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"In 2022, God looked down on all of North America and could not find enough bold pastors to stand up, so He said, "I am going to find a group of truckers in Canada who care about freedom and liberty, who hate tyranny and despotic rule, socialism and medical coercion, and I am going to bring them to Ottawa, Ontario to do what I need done." So God raised up the truckers who congregated in Canada's capital city to a position of national and international influence for righteousness. How do you view the Canadian truckers event? A protest? A blockade? OK, maybe it includes that. But it is so much more. Could it be a spiritual renewal? Or a revival? Or at least a "pre-revival," a precursor to an awakening? Quite possibly. Some might think that truckers are an unlikely place for God to look. However, there are so many examples throughout history where God used the "unlikelies." God tends to work with those who will say yes to Him and then obey. The truckers did exactly that." - Jim Garlow

The truckers did exactly that? Seriously? So, God wanted them to break Canadian law? He wanted them to block up the border which so many other people rely on for their goods to be trafficked? God wanted this band of merry misfits to continue to be unvaccinated putting at risk the lives of their families? What god do you serve because it sure is not the God of the bible. What revival starts with lawbreaking and disdain for authorities? Once again, because God has used some unlikely people does not mean He always must use unlikely people. While we are here it is high time to debunk this constant tying of freedom to Christ. We have freedom IN Christ but that is freedom from sin. Not freedom from some self-perceived notion of government overreach. Because the NAR dominionist loves this country and its sin so much, they must turn God into a flag draped crusader against any form of government other than our own. First of all, demanding that workers are vaccinated from a deadly pandemic is not "tyranny" nor "medical coercion." Either way, let us turn to the life of Jesus Christ for answers. When Jesus walked the earth there actually was a tyrannical force known for oppressing people and despotic rule. This was the Roman Empire and one of the oppressed people were in fact the Jews! So miserable was their suffering they thought the Messiah was going to deliver them from Rome! Did Jesus take up their plight for freedom? Did He organize rallies and protests against the tyranny of Rome over His own people? Not once. Not one time did Jesus turn to the cause of carnal freedom for His people. Why? Because His kingdom is not of this earth and He came to deliver them, and us, from their sins. That is a far better message than freedom from imaginary medical coercion. So please stop trying to tie God to our concept of political freedom. He does not care. When He first established Israel it was as a theocracy and when they wanted a king, who certainly could be tyrannical or despotic, He gave it to them.

"I have talked with some of the Canadian truck drivers. They are peaceful and committed to nonviolence. In fact, according to interviews with people on the ground, their event has a family-friendly atmosphere. Crime has dropped to zero in Ottawa. Pray that outside agitators, saboteurs or even government plants don't infiltrate this movement. Contrary to Trudeau's accusations, they are not terrorist or racists. The protesting truckers are hardworking, blue-collar people who bring you every single item you own." - Jim Garlow

And now they are blocking you from receiving every single thing you need. These are irrelevant arguments. It is great that they are peaceful, but they still are breaking the law. Stop with the tinfoil hat conspiracy garbage too. No one is infiltrating a handful of unvaccinated truckers. The alleged accusations of Trudeau are accurate. There were confederate flags, which people inside and out of this country consider racist. There was also representation at these protests from white supremacy groups such as the 3 percenters. Trudeau said we will not stand with them. Is Garlow saying he would?

"Why would God call them? The answer is obvious. We have needed someone to help lead the charge against the avalanche of political despotism and governmental tyranny around the world. God found someone. In fact, He found lots of "someones": truckers. Canadian truckers. This is not the way we might have expected Him to work. But He has always used the "unlikelies" and "unusables." Take King David, and the twelve disciples, for starters." - Jim Garlow

The answer is obvious Jim. God did not call these truckers to break the law because they do not want to protect themselves and their families. Furthermore, God is not up in heaven worrying Himself about countries throughout the world trying to contain and stem the tide of a horrific pandemic. Nearly six million people have died from this Jim. It isn't as a game. It is bad enough you have chosen the stupid anti-knowledge side but do not try dragging God over to that side as well. Are you seriously comparing a small group of unsaved truckers to the 12 apostles and King David? Has your theological judgment fallen this badly? David was a man after God's heart, not political freedom. The 12 apostles actually did care more about their canal needs and the oppression they were suffering under Rome but Jesus soon dispelled that as being even vaguely important when it comes to kingdom matters. That's the problem with the NAR dominionist. They confuse and conflate matters of God's kingdom with matters of this world, which is passing away.

"If God cannot find enough bold, courageous, godly pastors, He will find another way to accomplish what needs to happen. There are some strong pastors in the U.S. But not enough. There were not enough in Canada either. So God had to find another way. And He did. That brings me back to the truckers. Are they all Christ-followers? Of course not. Many are. (There is a remarkable ministry among truckers, but most people just don't know about it.) But even among those who don't yet personally know Christ as Savior, there are enough vestiges of Judeo-Christian values within them that they are willing to make a stand. And God is blessing them.

Many persons who are not of the kingdom still understand kingdom principles and often stand for them andknowingly or unknowinglyoperate within them. These truckers inherently know that God did not create government to abuse its people, but to protect them. And they are willing to risk their occupations, their equipment, their livelihood and their safety to declare, "Enough is enough." Some call it a protest. And it may be. Peaceful protests are right. But it is so much more. Some think it is about medical mandates. And it is. But it is more. So much more." - Jim Garlow

Vestiges of Judeo-Christian values? Is that how it works now? Is that what Jesus will be looking for on the last day? It sounds like Garlow would be better served preaching the gospel to these lost souls than exploiting them for political gain. God did not create the Canadian government anymore than He created ours. Israel wanted a king and God said - let them have a king. Same goes for a president or prime minister.

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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