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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/19/22

NAR Dominionist Claims God Rose up Tinpot Dictators and the Freedom Truckers

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"This is spiritual. You read that right. As noted above, this might be a precursor to a revival. Only time will tell. But it might be. These truckers are like those who marched across the Jordan and around the walls of Jericho and sounded their horns (shofars). They truckers have marched across Canada, and now around Ottawa, and sounded their horns. Notice that Trudeau did not like their horns. They are the modern-day circuit riders, like those who traversed 18th-century England and early America, carrying the Methodist expression of salvation and holiness. (I wrote my doctoral dissertation on these Methodist preachers on horseback, the circuit riders.) I would add that, rather than each of these present-day "trucker circuit riders" having one horse, they each have many horses (horsepower) as they advance the message of freedom and liberty. They are leading a God-inspired revolt against tyranny." - Jim Garlow

The abuse of scripture here is staggering. These truckers are not like the men of Israel who encircled Jericho. Do you know why Jim? Because God told Israel to do that! How can we be sure that this is not the same thing spiritually? Because when the truckers blew their horns they got arrested! Just like they should have! Now these conspiracy driven denialists are likened to 18 century spreaders of the gospel? Seriously? This is not a God inspired revolt! Stop lying about God! You just admitted they are not even saved!

"This movement is like the cry for freedom in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990s as the tyrannical USSR collapsed. This movement is inspired by the same heartbeat that gave the global triumvirate of Ronald Reagan, Margret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II such influence when communism collapsed in Poland after the pope's visit, triggering the eventual overthrow of the USSR across Eastern Europe. These are the "deplorables" a term used by one prominent U.S. Democratic political candidate for president coming to understand that they are not, in fact, deplorables. These are the masses coming to grasp that the elites don't rule them. God does." - Jim Garlow

So the unsaved truckers who have some vague vestige of Christian-Judeo values are now akin to the fall of communism and the Soviet Union? Your claim here is that they realized that God rules them, which is why they protested? That is not even close to what the actual truckers have said. The government by the way are not the "elites." Stop the political talking points and scare tactics.

"Many of them realize that the God of the Bible is the one who has all authority, and He has granted to the citizens the sacred and precious right to exercise governmental authority. Trudeau has no clue what is happening. He may tamp it down for a while, but he will never be able to permanently stop it. Biden does not understand it. Many world leaders do not grasp it. It is not partisan. It has little to nothing to do with political parties. Using the terms we recognize in the United States, this is not Republican vs. Democrat. This is not Right versus Left. This is, however, most definitely right versus wrong. This is good versus evil. This is biblical versus anti-biblical. This is God versus anti-God." - Jim Garlow

This is where the NAR has taken modern Christianity. Down a rabbit hole of unbiblical silliness in the name of God. So now if you are pro-medicine and pro-law, you are anti-God? People who think everyone should be vaccinated to stop the spread of a virus that has killed close to six million people are evil? This is about right and wrong and Jim Garlow is so far gone he cannot see how wrong he is. His statement here is asinine and offensive. The people of Canada voted for the people who have imposed the mandates. What Garlow is actually saying is if you do not like what your government decrees THEN you can state God is the only one with authority and ignore the government? You think that is remotely biblical? The authority does not bear the sword for no reason. Perhaps the most absurd claim is this is not political. Jim Garlow is bought and wholly owned by the Republican Party. He admits it here by bad mouthing the current president. This is about a small group of truckers who didn't want to get vaccinated but according to Jim Garlow it is really about good and evil. Oh and if you do not side with him, you must be evil. How utterly disgusting.

"Some people know it. Some who may not recognize this reality, however, are experiencing it.

So long as the truck protests can avoid outside agitators inciting evil actions or words, God is going to bless this. The truckers may set Canada free. At this point, it is too early to tell. Then maybe America, then possibly Australia. Then country after country. We have heard of trucker convoys formulating in places as far away as Israel. These words are not hyperbole or melodrama. This is the promise of God, who will still be here after Trudeau and Biden and all the other enemies of freedom have ended their times of enslaving the people whose liberty they can never permanently take. Political leaders did not give freedom. Therefore they cannot forever take it away. God looked down. He looked for someone who would say yes. He found them. In Canada. A group of truckers." - Jim Garlow

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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