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Devotionals    H3'ed 2/19/22

NAR Dominionist Claims God Rose up Tinpot Dictators and the Freedom Truckers

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Notice who the enemies of freedom are? And I thought this wasn't political Jim? Please. The NAR dominionist cause has been completely compromised and is owned by the far right in this country and many places around the world. Let us not lose sight of what this was supposed to be about. People are enslaved throughout this world but not by a government insisting they get vaccinated. This group of truckers was wrong for insisting on not obeying the law. They were wrong for blocking a border crossing and stopping the flow of goods between Canada and the US. There is nothing right nor righteous about their cause. God most certainly did NOT look down and make them do this. The entire debacle has NOTHING to do with God or the gospel. It embarrasses the cause of Christ worldwide. As we now enter part two of this article, I will just pick some highlights to summarize as this has gone on long enough.

"If there were enough "biblical applicationalists" (understanding what the Word says on all public policy issues), and pastors who are governmentally astute (recognizing that God created government), sophisticated and articulate (winsomely preaching the Word on God's view of governmental issues) in the United States, we would not be in the condition we are. If Canada had enough courageous pastors, God would not have needed to spark this movement with truck drivers." - Jim Garlow

The Great Commission does not command us to go and change every governmental structure on earth. It says to preach the gospel to the lost. Every single second preaching about carnal governments is a second not preaching the gospel. It has no place in the pulpit. At the very best, you can say you have discerned the lesser of two evils when picking a political party or candidate. The problem is your lesser is your opinion and you still end up defending evil. Just as an example from history let's quickly look at the late 1990's when the moral majority was screaming about morality and the hated Bill Clinton. The top three Republican screamers were Newt Gingrich, Bob Livingston, and Dennis Hastert. Years after the impeachment of Bill Clinton for lying on a civil deposition, we found out about the morality of those that the church propped up. Turns out Gingrich was having an affair at that time with a woman half his age he would end up leaving his wife for. Livingston had so many marital affairs his own party made him resign. And Dennis Hastert? He became federal inmate 47991-424 after being convicted for being a serial child molester. The point is when you prop up man, any man, of any party, they will never be righteous. All are evil and have turned away from God. So, stop pretending your guy is God's choice. He isn't. God did not give us the bible to resolve public policy debates. Preach the gospel!

"In the meantime, God is still at work in remarkable and encouraging ways that I find truly exciting. Simply put, the Canadian truckers are being used by God to produce some righteous results. God continues to find personsflawed as we arefor His cause, not only in the Americas but in all the countries of the world. God looked at: Hungary and found Viktor Orban and made him prime minister. Brazil and found Jair Bolsonaro and made him president. Bolivia and found Jeanine Anez and made her president (until the Communists came back in 2020 and threw her in prison, where she remains under horrific conditionsuntil we pray her out). Guatemala and found Jimmy Morales and then Alejandro Giammattei, and made them presidentone after the other. There are so many more examples like this, where God seemingly looks down upon the earth and says, "I am going to use him," "her" or "them." All of these were and are flawed, as much as you and I, but God found them and used them, in part I believe, because He could not find enough bold and godly pastors to lead in national righteousness. So God said, "I'll use the Canadian truckers." And He did." - Jim Garlow

So, in conclusion Garlow leaves no doubt that he is just a political hack disguised as a Christian leader. Viktor Orban has whittled away the freedoms in Hungary since taking office. He is now a defacto dictator. Bolsonaro is just as bad and has been a constant source of vaccine disinformation even recently claiming the vaccinated have a higher chance of catching AIDS. Oh, and he just got back from a "solidarity" meeting with Vladimir Putin. Anez stands accused of a coup and genocide, for which she is facing trial. Morales and his successor have stood watch over an unprecedented rise in violence and poverty in Guatemala. These are the people Jim Garlow thinks God chose to use. God did no such thing. What these thugs and autocrats have in common is they are of the same political persuasion as Garlow. God is not impressed nor is He mocked. You can protest that you do not agree with the government. That is your right. What you cannot do however is cause chaos, thumb your nose to the authorities that be, and most certainly you cannot pretend God is actually orchestrating the entire sham. He is not. The NAR dominionist worships these carnal countries and it represents the last idol of the church age. Do not bow down and prostrate yourself before people you are sold as being higher on the sliding scale of morality. Remember when Jesus walked the earth there was real oppression of His own people. They prayed He would deliver them from it. He did absolutely nothing about it because His kingdom is not of this world and the gospel is of far greater importance than any tinpot dictator wannabe or unvaccinated trucker. Far greater.

Reverend Anthony Wade - February 19, 2022

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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