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Devotionals    H3'ed 4/6/23

When the False Prophet Industrial Complex Issues Prophetic Standards

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Unless you hold to the biblical standard of 100% accuracy these are empty words written by charlatans. Where is there humility in a 65% accuracy rate, which is what they believe constitutes a solid prophet? Where is there integrity? They are confusing sincerity with integrity, and I simply do not believe they take into account what they are doing. They are claiming to hear directly from the Creator of the Universe! Yet 35 wrong out of every hundred is acceptable? What about the 35 faiths you shipwrecked by telling them something God never said? They are right though that they will be held to a higher standard and that should not be a source of comfort for them.

"WE UNDERSTAND that prophecies can be conditional and that many prophecies will take time to come to pass. We also recognize that prophetic language is often mysterious and symbolic, requiring interpretation and insight. This means that prophecies that do not contradict the Bible or that are not contrary to fact should be evaluated over time and not immediately rejected. On the other hand, if a prophetic word is delivered containing specific details and dates in which the stated prophetic word will come to pass and that prophecy contains no conditions to be met in order to be fulfilled, and that word does not come to pass as prophesied, then the one who delivered the word must be willing to take full responsibility, demonstrating genuine contrition before God and people. Any statement of apology and/or explanation/clarification should be delivered to the audience to whom the erroneous word was given. For example, if it was given to an individual, the apology (and/or explanation/clarification) should be delivered to the individual. If the word was delivered publicly, then a public apology (and/or explanation/clarification) should be presented. This is not meant to be a punishment but rather a mature act of love to protect the honor of the Lord, the integrity of prophetic ministry, and the faith of those to whom the word was given." - Prophetic Standards

I just love the three sections covered here to protect themselves while pretending it is bathed in piety. The first is the standard they create that says ehh"not all prophecy comes to pass quickly. We have to let it marinate like meat. We see these false prophets use this all the time. There was a former fireman turned prophet who clearly prophesied that Donald Trump would be elected president in 2012. Since 2016, he has been treated like prophetic royalty even though he missed by four years! Secondly, they set up the ability to speak in coded mystic terms and then claim after that some event matches what they said. God showed me fire and California. Then when the next forest fire erupts they claim they were right. If no big fires occur that season they just file it away until next because hey, sometimes these things take time to come true, right? The final part of this trifecta of deception is that if at the end of the time allotted, the prophetic word still has not come to pass you just need to "own it." Just say "my bad" and move on like the humble servant you know you aren't. So, you baked in extended time and the ability to just prophesy in spooky-talk for easy attribution, and if all that still doesn't work just say you're sorry.

"WE BELIEVE it is essential that all spiritual leaders, including prophetic leaders, have a presbytery of peers and seasoned spiritual leaders who can hold them accountable regarding their life and ministry. In keeping with this, we reject the notion that to judge a prophet's words is a violation of Psalm 105:15 (where God exhorted the ancient nations not to touch the patriarchs or harm His prophets). Prophets who err must be willing to receive correction from peer leaders with whom they are in accountable relationship. Those refusing such accountability should not be welcomed for ministry." - Prophetic Standards

While they are correct for rejecting the abuse of Psalm 105, they do so only to claim that power of control for themselves. The industry cannot handle rogue prophets who do not toe the company line. The perfect example is Todd Bentley, who was anointed a prophet by the powers that be, only to watch him fall from grace spectacularly by sleeping with his church secretary and then divorcing his wife for her. They have been trying to control their mistake ever since. Bentley does what Bentley wants. These standards were drafted for Him more than anyone. It establishes the false authority paradigm they think they need to be in control.

"WE REJECT the notion that a contemporary prophetic word is on the same level of inspiration or authority as Scripture or that God's inerrant speech is always communicated perfectly by prophets today, since the Bible says we only know in part and prophesy in part (1 Cor. 13:9). It is the written Word alone that can lay claim to being "the Word of God" (2 Tim. 3:16); prophecies, at best, are "a word from the Lord," to be tested by the Word of God." - Prophetic Standards

Wow. Here is the built-in insurance from the false prophet brigade. They recognize that if they claim their prophetic words are equal to scripture then they cannot be wrong even once. The reality is if you are claiming to give a word from God then it should be on the same level of scripture, no? But if they agree to that then once they utter a false prophesy they are done. Notice how deftly they blame themselves to avoid the ugly truth that they are not actually hearing from God. His words are always inerrant, which is true, but something sometimes gets lost in translation? The prophet "respeaking" what God said is not perfect like God and therefore can be forgiven for getting it wrong. Maybe God stuttered? Maybe he spoke in a real hushed tone? Maybe He spoke in a fake tongues? C'mon. Why would God do anything like this if His intention was for the prophet-dude to bring a message to the people? To use 1Corinthians to excuse getting prophecy wrong is an assault on scripture.

"WE THEREFORE RECOGNIZE distinctions between a believer who gives an inaccurate prophecy (in which case they should acknowledge their error), a believer who consistently prophesies inaccurately (in which case we recognize that this person is not a prophet and we urge them to stop prophesying), and a false prophet (whom we recognize as a false believer, a lost soul, calling them to repent and be saved). Because God's gifts and calling are irrevocable (see Rom. 11:29), we understand that a person who has been prophetically gifted might be able to function in that gifting even though they are no longer in right relationship with God. That is why it is imperative that we judge a prophet by the fruit of their life and ministry rather than by their gift, also recognizing that there are some who started right but will be rejected in the end (see Matt. 7:21-23)." - Prophetic Standards

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Credentialed Minister of the Gospel for the Assemblies of God. Owner and founder of 828 ministries. Vice President for Goodwill Industries. Always remember that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to (more...)
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